how to write a fraction in xlabel.

855 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Shan  Chu
Shan Chu am 5 Mär. 2016
Kommentiert: Simon Keegan am 13 Apr. 2023
dear all, I want to write a fraction a over b in the xlabel. How to do that? thanks
if true
figure (1)
fig =figure(1);
title('Mutual inductance M at frequency of 0.159 GHz','FontSize',18,'FontWeight','bold')
xlabel ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ylabel('Inductance (nH)','FontSize',18,'FontWeight','bold')
set(fig,'position',[500 300 800 600]);
grid on
  3 Kommentare
Panagiotis Papias
Panagiotis Papias am 5 Sep. 2022
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for this comment, now I feel that is nicer latex being able to be used as an "add on" in Matlab.
Lars Abrahamsson
Lars Abrahamsson am 12 Apr. 2023
I miss the possibility to write
for example. But that is not possible it seems. Mathematical font is not wanted for "Watt per hour" for example.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Star Strider
Star Strider am 5 Mär. 2016
The easy way:
The more difficult way requires you to call the 'latex' interpreter and use LaTeX commands. See the link for the LaTeX documentation.

Weitere Antworten (1)

Reko Hynönen
Reko Hynönen am 18 Sep. 2017
An old topic, but I've got an improved answer.
Star Strider's answer will work but it will look a bit silly. But like they suggest, you could use LaTeX interpreter instead.
Using LaTeX interpreter, you could accomplish this by writing:
\frac{a}{b} is a LaTeX syntax for fractions. It will write 'a' to the numerator and 'b' to denominator. '$' symbols at the beginning and the end are necessary to interpret the expression in LaTeX Math mode, that interprets \frac correctly.
  10 Kommentare
Lars Abrahamsson
Lars Abrahamsson am 12 Apr. 2023
@Simon Keegan Actually, I think I found something like a solution
xlabel('Discharge $\displaystyle \frac{\rm m^3}{\rm s}$', 'Interpreter','latex')
Simon Keegan
Simon Keegan am 13 Apr. 2023
Great @Lars Abrahamsson. In MatLab Answers we trust! :)
Maybe I'll have a similiar case in future

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