How do you plot values from a cell array?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
James Taylor
James Taylor am 18 Feb. 2016
Kommentiert: James Taylor am 18 Feb. 2016
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close all
Em = 2.4 ; % Em = Youngs modulus of the matrix [GPa]
vm = 0.34; % Poisson's Ratio matrix
Ef = 76; % Ef = Youngs modulus of the fiber [GPa]
vf = 0.22; % Poisson's Ratio fiber
Vm = 0.4; % Marix Volume fraction
Vf = 0.6; % Fiber Volume fraction
Angle = -90:1:90; %Angle of the force in Deg => Rad
force = [0.150 0 0]'; %[xx yy xy]---[GPa]
tv = 0.13; %Length [m]
%Shear moduli
Gm = Em/(2*(1+vm)); %matrix
Gf = Ef/(2*(1+vf)); %fiber
%Bulk modui
Km = Em/(3*(1-2*vm));
Kf = Ef/(3*(1-2*vf));
%Moduli referred to lamina axes
E1 = Em*Vm+ (Ef*Vf);
%passions ratio
top = (vf-vm)*(1/Km - 1/Kf)*(Vm*Vf);
bottom = Vm/Kf + Vf/Km + 1/Gm;
v12 = (vm*Vm)+ (vf*Vf) + (top/bottom);
%Shear modulus
G12 = Gm + ((Vf)/((1/(Gf -Gm))+(Vm/(2*Gm))));
%bulk modulus
K_star = Km + (Vf/((1/(Kf - Km)) + (Vm/(Km +Gm))));
B - beta
y - Gama
a - alpha
p - Rho
%Variables required for G23 calculations
Bm = 1/(3-(4*vm));
Bf = 1/(3-(4*vf));
y = Gf/Gm;
a = (Bm - (y*Bf))/(1 + (y*Bf));
p = (y +Bm)/(y-1);
%Shear modulus G23
if (Gf > Gm && Kf>Km)
top = (1+Bm)*Vf;
bottom = p -((1+ (3 * (Bm^2) * (Vm^2))/((a * (Vf^3) + 1))))*Vf;
G23 = Gm*(1+ (top/bottom));
elseif (Gf < Gm && Kf < Km)
top = (1+Bm)*Vf;
bottom = p -((1+ (3 * (Bm^2) * (Vm^2))/((a * (Vf^3) + Bm))))*Vf;
G23 = Gm*(1+ (top/bottom));
E2 = 4/ ((1/G23)+(1/K_star)+((4*v12^2)/E1));
Z = (E1-((v12^2)*E2))/E1;
Q11= E1/Z;
Q22 = E2/Z;
Q12 = (v12*E2)/Z;
Q66 = G12;
Q_matrix = [Q11 Q12 0;
Q12 Q22 0;
0 0 Q66];
anglev = (-90:1:90)*pi/180; % Angle Vector
for k1 = 1:length(anglev)
angle{k1} = anglev(k1); % Angle
m{k1} = cos(angle{k1});
n{k1} = sin(angle{k1});
Stress_matrix_1{k1}= [m{k1}^2 n{k1}^2 -2*m{k1}*n{k1};
n{k1}^2 m{k1}^2 2*m{k1}*n{k1};
m{k1}*n{k1} -m{k1}*n{k1} m{k1}^2-n{k1}^2];
Strain_matrix_1{k1} = [ m{k1}^2 n{k1}^2 -m{k1}*n{k1};
n{k1}^2 m{k1}^2 m{k1}*n{k1};
2*m{k1}*n{k1} -2*m{k1}*n{k1} m{k1}^2-n{k1}^2];
Q_bar{k1} = (Stress_matrix_1{k1})*(Q_matrix)*inv(Strain_matrix_1{k1});
S_bar{k1} = inv(Q_bar{k1});
strain{k1} = S_bar{k1}*force;
strain_xx{k1} = strain{k1}(1,1);
% z = cell2mat(strain_xx{k1});
% hold on ;
%plot (Angle, strain_xx{k1}); hold on;
%grid on;
%mesh(Angle, strain_xx{k1})
At the end of this piece of code I want to plot strain_xx but I can't because it is a cell array can anyone help?

Antworten (1)

MHN am 18 Feb. 2016


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