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writing/ exporting 3D data set/matrix from Matlab to EXCEL

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I have a multi dimension matrix (:,:,:) that I need to export to excel, The data is basically formed of 44040 (5*5) matrices. (:,:,44040) I tried xlswrite command but I kept getting some dimension errors. Any ideas, please! Thank you guys!
  2 Kommentare
Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng am 3 Feb. 2016
How do you expect excel to handle a 3d matrix? How do you want the 3rd dimension to be represented in excel?
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara am 3 Feb. 2016
the matrix is (5*5) and there are 44040 of them, so perhaps they can be stored in 3 separate sheets; 14680 (5*5) matrix in each sheet?

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 3 Feb. 2016
xlswrite() of reshape(YourArray, size(YourArray,1), []) and be sure to use an .xlsx output (you would have too many rows for .xls)
It would be possible to create a spreadsheet with 44040 "sheets" each of which is 5 x 5, but that would seem to be a bit of a waste.
  2 Kommentare
Amine Ben Ayara
Amine Ben Ayara am 3 Feb. 2016
Thank you so much Walter, the command reshape worked perfect. I do have one other issue that I don't know how to track. I have an (44040*8) matrix as part of my input matrices that i'm using for a simulation. Basically the simulation consists of increasing all the values/elements of 2nd column from this input matrix; lets suppose it's called X. so I wrote for k=1:100; X(:,2)=X(:,2)+k; ( some other code). So every iteration, will increase the elements of X(:,2) ( only second column by k. However, I need to make sure that going from one iteration to the next, the values of X(:,2) ( in the second column) need to be reset to their original values X(:,2). what would you recommend? Thank you so much
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 3 Feb. 2016
X2 = X(:,2);
for K = 1 : 100;
X(:,2) = X2 + K;
Or since you are incrementing by 1 each time,
for K = 1 : 100
X(:,2) = X(:,2) + 1;

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