Shade between time series lines (log-y scale)
7 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Ryan Utz
am 19 Jan. 2012
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson
am 4 Nov. 2018
I'm attempting to plot between two lines on a graph that's set to a log-y scale. I've tried almost every iteration of the "fill" command that seems to appear from various sources online, which usually gives me somewhat psychedelic (but useless) results.
Suppose that:
x = 0:100
y1 = rand(1,100)+1.5
y2 = rand(1,100)+0.5
How can I fill just between the y1 and y2 lines??? I want nothing but empty space below the y2 line. Also, this is on a log-y scale, which is why I can't just tweak the "area" commands (like I did for a similar project that was not on a log-y scale.
Please help!!!
Thanks, Ryan
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Walter Roberson
am 19 Jan. 2012
Your x starts from 0 (and is one point longer than y1 or y2.) If you set the axis XScale to log, then you are attempting to take log(0), which leads to problems in drawing the patch.
Without the 0 I had no problem.
x = 1:100;
y1 = rand(1,100)+1.5;
y2 = rand(1,100)+0.5;
fill([x fliplr(x)],[y1 fliplr(y2)],'r')
4 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
am 4 Nov. 2018
You did not use my revised code that has the x.' and so on.
To give it again in full:
A = xlsread('TAW_NZ');
x = A(1:100,1);
min1 = A(1:100,6);
max1 = A(1:100,7);
plot(x, min1, x, max1);
fill([x.',fliplr(x.')], [min1.',fliplr(max1.')], 'r')
Weitere Antworten (3)
Venn Ravichandran
am 19 Jan. 2012
Using stem plot might be a quick work around. I don't know why the area plots don't work.
0 Kommentare
the cyclist
am 19 Jan. 2012
Will this suffice?
x = 1:100;
y1 = rand(1,100)+1.5;
y2 = rand(1,100)+0.5;
[Edited to include the additional fliplr, in response to Walter's comment.]
1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
am 19 Jan. 2012
I think you have to flip y2 as well.
Amusing that we choose the same color and same basic technique :)
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