Enable/Disable uitabs in uitabgroup, with v2015b

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Antoine Luijkx
Antoine Luijkx am 3 Okt. 2015
Beantwortet: Sean de Wolski am 6 Nov. 2020
In a GUI, is there a way to disable/enable a tab created by uitabgroup / uitab.
In a GUI I'm building, I would like to prevent the user from accessing some tabs at earlier stage of the process, and then grant access later when some operations are done in the GUI.
In following example:
I would like to disable tab2 (something like set(tab2,'Enable','off') would be nice).
It was possible with previous release (I tested with v2013a) using the following sequence:
... but I can't make it work using v2015b.
Thank you,

Akzeptierte Antwort

Lynn am 28 Apr. 2016
To access the underlying Java object, use FindJObj.
Try replacing
  3 Kommentare
Bharath am 24 Mai 2016
I tried to apply your solution for my situation where I wanted to disable complete tabgroup. However when I use
jtabgroup.setEnableAt(false); % also I tried turning enable off for
% for individual tabs using setEnabledAt(1,0)
I get an error saying
Undefined function 'setEnabled' for input arguments of type 'handle.handle'.
It would be extremely helpful if you can help me with this issue. Thanks in advance.
MatMar am 29 Sep. 2016
Not sure whether your question is still uptodate:
I am using Matlab 2014b.
handles = findjobj(tabgroup)
handles = findjobj(tabgroup)
returns four handles in my case.
If I use
it works.
Best regards Marius

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Weitere Antworten (2)

David Young
David Young am 20 Nov. 2015
A quick thought - how about using the SelectionChangedFcn callback of the uitabgroup object, to select another tab when one of the forbidden tabs is slected?
  1 Kommentar
Antoine Luijkx
Antoine Luijkx am 21 Nov. 2015
Thank you for proposal. That's indeed a workaround I have in mind. However, that's not fully satisfactory, as user can't see if a tab is enabled or not before clicking on it.

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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski am 6 Nov. 2020
In App designer this is possible by adding a panel inside the uitab and disabling the uipanel.


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