Saving variables within a parfor loop

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sean Pierre
Sean Pierre am 6 Sep. 2015
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 6 Sep. 2015
I wish to save individual variables in my script that are defined in a parfor loop. I defined a function called saveVariables.m that would save a specified variable to a .mat file as follows.
function l = saveVariables(local_filename, variable, index)
save(['simulation_' num2str(index) '\' local_filename], variable)
l = 1;
The issue that I have is that MATLAB produces the error
Error using saveVariables (line 4)
Argument must contain a string.
I use the backlash '\' since I am running Matlab on Windows. local_filename is meant to be the string of the name of the file that I wish to save. How can I work around this string error?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali am 6 Sep. 2015
Two things:
(1) When using save() the way that you are using the second input must be also an string. So if you want to save a variable called myVariable in a file called myOutputFile='D:\myDataFolder\somename.mat' then you have to issue the command as follows:
Note the quote around myVariable.
This is different when you use the non-function form of the save() as follow:
save 'D:\myDataFolder\somename.mat' myVariable
(2) save() command does not work in SPMD or PARFOR section. Click here for another post about the same topic;
You need to first define a function as follows:
function savetofile(data,fullfilename)
and then whenever you are in SPMD and PARFOR and willing to save something instead of using the regular save() command use the above function as follows:

Weitere Antworten (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 6 Sep. 2015
But what are you passing in for "variable" ? It must be the name of a variable.
You should consider using fullfile() . And you should consider using sprintf() to construct the name.
save( fullfile(sprintf('simulation_%d',index), local_filename), variable)
  4 Kommentare
Sean Pierre
Sean Pierre am 6 Sep. 2015
I am still receiving the same error of
Error using saveVariables (line 3)
Variable 'RD' not found.
. I changed my saveVariables script to
function l = saveVariables(local_filename, variable, index)
save( fullfile(sprintf('simulation_%d',index), local_filename), inputname(2));
l = 1;
and I call it with
saveVariables( 'RD_1pk.mat', RD, j);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 6 Sep. 2015
function l = saveVariables(local_filename, variable, index)
varname = inputname(2);
savestruct.(varname) = variable;
save( fullfile(sprintf('simulation_%d',index), local_filename), '-struct', 'savestruct')
l = 1;

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