Simulink Coder - Cannot open include file: 'nesl_rtw.h'
18 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I am using Simulink Coder to compile my simulink model into a shared library (embedded target) which I then try to load into MATLAB using coder.loadlibrary. Upon executing the following command, I get an error:
libModelPath = fullfile(pwd, 'mylib_ert_shrlib_rtw');
libSimulinkPath = fullfile(matlabroot, 'simulink', 'include');
hfile = fullfile(libModelPath, 'mylib.h');
coder.loadlibrary('mylib_win64', hfile, ...
'includepath', libModelPath, ...
'includepath', libSimulinkPath, ...
'mfilename', 'testfile', ...
'alias', 'mylibrary')
The error I get is:
coder.loadlibrary('mylib, hfile)
Error using loadlibrary (line 447)
Failed to preprocess the input file.
Output from preprocessor is:'mylib.h
: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'nesl_rtw.h': No such file or directory
Lines 18-30 of mylib.h:
#ifndef RTW_HEADER_mylib_h_
#define RTW_HEADER_mylib_h_
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef mylib_COMMON_INCLUDES_
# define mylib_COMMON_INCLUDES_
#include "rtwtypes.h"
#include "rtw_continuous.h"
#include "rtw_solver.h"
#include "nesl_rtw.h"
#include "mylib_8bed9f9f_gateway.h"
#endif /* mylib_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */
A quick search of my system doesn't produce a file named nesl_rtw.h.
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Antworten (2)
Michael Burke
am 4 Jan. 2019
The nesl_rtw.h file is part of the
Directory where <ARCH> is the architecture you are running on the "ARCH" will change.
Note: You may need to include additional directories. You can search the MATLAB path using the internal file search tool
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