We are working with a standalone matlab app we have created using R2015a in Windows 7 Enterprise (64bits). Since last week we have a problem with the app, and the line that produces the error is:
[Datos_Med, Texto_Med, ~] = xlsread(file_med,'Hoja1');
where 'Hoja1' is the sheet name (it's ok) and file_med is a char array (1x122) with value:
'\\almcommit.set.umi.net\vai\vaitratado\LINEA AEREA\Datos de auscultaciones\Mediciones VAI\L6\Datos OHL L6 V1 20120625.xlsm'
This is the error we get:
Error using xlsread (line 128) XLSREAD unable to open file '\\almcommit.set.umi.net\vai\vaitratado\LINEA AEREA\Datos de auscultaciones\Mediciones VAI\L6\Datos OHL L6 V1 20120625.xlsm'. File '\\almcommit.set.umi.net\vai\vaitratado\LINEA AEREA\Datos de auscultaciones\Mediciones VAI\L6\Datos OHL L6 V1 20120625.xlsm' not found.
This Excel file (an example) contains some data we want to save into a matlab table in order to analyze it. Obviously all these files exist, now and a week before, and they can be opened by Excel app and founded into their location in Windows (a network folder). There is no error inside them, and they weren't modified recently. This line also produce the same error when we run it from Matlab environment, so we can assume it isn't a app error.
The most strange thing about this problem is that when we open any of this files with Excel app, and we save them without doing any change, then xlsread works perfectly with these re-saved files. ¿¿??
We have contact with IT department in order to get detail about files permissions, and they report that all these files have the same properties. A solution could be manually open and save all of them, or use an app to do it automatically, but we would like to know the reason this line is returning that error...
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.