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how can I extract both the Region of Interest and Background of a medical image with tumor so that I can compress the ROI losslessly and the Non-ROI or background using lossy compression and then merge them...??

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Sir , I have a code to extract the ROI(tumor portion) of a medical image...but I also need the background(Non-ROI) so that I can compress the ROI as well as the background separately and then merge them.
grayImage = imread('brain_tumor.png');
h = imrect;
position = wait(h);
croppedImage = imcrop(grayImage, position);
figure; imshow(croppedImage);
BackGround = imsubtract(grayImage - croppedImage);
figure, imshow(BackGround);
this code is giving an error for imsubtract that matrix dimensions must agree. So I am not getting the background image. But I need the background also, so that I can compress the ROI using lossless compression and the background or Non-ROI using lossy compression and then merge them. Sir kindly help me. Debarpita Chauhduri.

Antworten (1)

RKG am 10 Nov. 2018
Hello, I want to work on a similar type of problem. Can you please guide me how can I do this? I have used imfreehand method to segment ROI. Can you please suggest me is this good to use or is there any other better method? Also, Which is the best method to compress ROI part? Thanks in advance.

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