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Display Disparity Map in GUI Axes

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Pankaja Tanjore
Pankaja Tanjore am 4 Jul. 2015
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 6 Jul. 2015
Hello ,
I have the color disparity map.I am able to display this color disparity map from .m file. I have displayed it using the following code.
imshow(disparityMap, [224,352]);
title('Disparity Map filtered');
colormap jet colorbar
Now i need to display this in GUI axes.It should be the same as displayed in figure.
I am sending here the image which i have displayed as figure.
Please let me know how this has to displayed in the axes. Color bar also has to be displayed in the axes.
Looking forward to hear from you at the earliest.
Thanks Pankaja
  2 Kommentare
B.k Sumedha
B.k Sumedha am 4 Jul. 2015
Did you try anything?
Just posting questions without trying anything is waste of time for both of us.:(
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 4 Jul. 2015
imagesc(data) is not the same thing as imshow(data, [224,352]). They are closely related but in the imshow case you are saying to focus in on the range 224 to 352, but in the imagesc case you are saying to scale over the entire range of data.
Note also that you do not necessarily have colormap jet in effect for the axes in the second case.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes am 4 Jul. 2015
Pankaja - if you are using this code to display the image correctly in a figure,
imshow(disparityMap, [224,352]);
title('Disparity Map filtered');
colormap jet
then why not just modify the code to indicate where (i.e. which axes) to plot the data
imshow(disparityMap, [224,352], 'Parent', handles.axes8);
title(handles.axes8, 'Disparity Map filtered');

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