Writing headings AND data with the xlswrite function

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Mauro Baldi
Mauro Baldi am 30 Mai 2015
Kommentiert: dpb am 31 Mai 2015
I have a cell array named NomiDopo containing the names of the columns of my Excel output file and the data (of double) stored in matrix DataSet. If I write
A = {NomiDopo; DataSet}; xlswrite('Guida_1_dopo.xlsx', A);
then the output file does not contain anything. How can I write both the name of the columns and the data in the output file at the same time? Thank you!

Antworten (1)

dpb am 30 Mai 2015
Per the doc for xlswrite, the information written must be "... specified as a two-dimensional numeric or character array, or, if each cell contains a single element, a cell array. If A is a cell array containing something other than a scalar numeric or a string, then xlswrite silently leaves the corresponding cell in the spreadsheet empty."
Your cell array contains an array as a cell element, not an element of the array per cell.
  2 Kommentare
Mauro Baldi
Mauro Baldi am 31 Mai 2015
Thank you for your kind answer. Does this mean I have to convert the Dataset (numeric) matrix into a cell matrix and concatenate it to the heading which is already a cell array? If so, how could I convert the numeric matrix Dataset into a cell matrix? Thank you!
dpb am 31 Mai 2015
I'd just make two calls, myself...

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