How to use findpeaks for a matrix of size A

24 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
navan am 27 Mai 2015
Kommentiert: Star Strider am 28 Mai 2015
I have a matrix of 4*8. I would like to find out the no of peaks in each row,with a condition that peak value-minimum value >1000.How should i do it.I have tried following code, but not working. i have tried [peaks]=findpeaks(A),but not working.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Star Strider
Star Strider am 27 Mai 2015
The findpeaks function will work, but you have to cycle through the rows:
M = randi(99, 4, 8);
for k1 = 1:size(M,1)
[pks,loc] = findpeaks(M(k1,:));
P{k1} = [pks; loc];
The cell array accounts for different numbers of peaks and locations in each row.
  6 Kommentare
navan am 28 Mai 2015
I want to go one more step deep into the problem. finding the no of peaks in each row with a specific condtion (that is ) peakvalues with (peakvalue-minvalueof each row>1000)
Now i take a single row for easiness.In reality i have a big matrix.
A= [1000 8000 1000 1800 1200 4000 4800 4000 1000 1000]
the min-value of A=1000 The peak values of A= [8000 1800 5000], But the problem here is if i use ordinary threshold limit& findpeak
it will only compare with the values near to it.
I want to find out the total number of peaks which obey my condition (i.e>1000) in detailed way
8000-1000 >1000 (true) 1800-1000<1000(false) 5000-1000>1000(True)
so the aswer i expect peakswithcondition=2 I have also posted this as different question. Kindly see the link below
Star Strider
Star Strider am 28 Mai 2015
Answered in your different Question.

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