PID Controller Design by Pole Assignment
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Hello, im trying to design a PID controller by polynomial coefficient method by given code below but the code seems to find Ki and bres always zero. Can someone help me understand what the problem is?
clear all
syms s x s h y z t K_d K_p K_i ares bres;
% symbolic variables are defined to see if function is working correctly
pole = 1-1i;
p_ds = expand((s-pole) * (s-(conj(pole))))
p_es = (s^2+ares*s+bres);
coef = coeffs(p_es,s,'All');
Gs = h /(x*s^3+y*s^2+z*s+t);
[numGs,denGs] = numden(Gs)
denGs1 = coeffs(denGs)
denGs2 = double(denGs1)
p = (p_es * p_ds)
p1 =coeffs(p,s,'All')
Fs = (K_d*s^2+K_p*s+K_i )/ s
Tss = (Gs*Fs)/(1+Gs*Fs)
[numTss,pcs] = numden(Tss)
prob = coeffs(pcs/x,s,'all') == coeffs(p_ds*p_es,s,'all');
for i = 1:length(prob)
sol = solve(prob)
Kdval = double(sol.K_d)
Kpval = double(sol.K_p)
Kival = double(sol.K_i)
aresval = double(sol.ares)
bresval = double(sol.bres)
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Akzeptierte Antwort
am 2 Dez. 2024
Bearbeitet: Paul
am 2 Dez. 2024
Hi Bahadir,
I'm not sure if the code is implementing what it should, but the reason the result is coming back with Ki = bres = 0 is due to the form of the equations.
syms s x s h y z t K_d K_p K_i ares bres;
% symbolic variables are defined to see if function is working correctly
pole = 1-1i;
p_ds = expand((s-pole) * (s-(conj(pole))));
p_es = (s^2+ares*s+bres);
coef = coeffs(p_es,s,'All');
Gs = h /(x*s^3+y*s^2+z*s+t);
[numGs,denGs] = numden(Gs);
denGs1 = coeffs(denGs);
denGs2 = double(denGs1);
p = (p_es * p_ds);
p1 =coeffs(p,s,'All');
Fs = (K_d*s^2+K_p*s+K_i )/ s;
Tss = (Gs*Fs)/(1+Gs*Fs);
[numTss,pcs] = numden(Tss);
prob = coeffs(pcs/x,s,'all') == coeffs(p_ds*p_es,s,'all');
for i = 1:length(prob)
Here are the equations to be solved.
The first equation is extraneous. The last equation is a simple relationship between Ki and bres. Apparently solve can find a soluution to all of the equations with Ki = bres = 0
sol = solve(prob)
If you want to get all solutions parametrically, then use the ReturnConditions flag.
sol = solve(prob,'ReturnConditions',true)
Apparently only ares is fixed and the rest of the unknowns are determined from a single parameter.
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