Performance of BCH code over AWGN channel

5 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Muntader Saeed
Muntader Saeed am 16 Nov. 2024
Beantwortet: Umeshraja am 17 Nov. 2024
hello there,
can someone help me with my project
i want to simulate a BCH code with n=255 and t= 2,3,4 using BPSK modulation.
and i want to Test the programs by passing the encoded data over AWGN channel and compute the
bit error rate Pe over the range of Eb/No from 0-10dB.
the result should be similar to the curve in the picture

Antworten (1)

Umeshraja am 17 Nov. 2024
To get you started on your project, I recommend checking out the following resource to understand Bit Error Rate (BER) analysis techniques:
Once you're familiar with BER analysis, you can refer to the following MATLAB documentation pages
Hope this helps!

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