Libreria UAV Toolbox Pixhawk de Matlab soporta Pixhawk 6c mini?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
jesus omar
jesus omar am 24 Okt. 2024
Beantwortet: Ankur Bose am 15 Jan. 2025 um 9:16
Estoy tratando de conectar una controlador de vuelo pixhawk 6c mini con la librería de soporte UAV para pixhawk, Trato de cargar el firmware PIXHAWC 6C, pero se genera un error. ¿Existe limitaciones con este controlador y la librería de matlab UAV Toolbox?

Antworten (2)

Govind KM
Govind KM am 4 Nov. 2024
From what I understand using Google Translate, you are trying to work with a Pixhawk 6C Mini flight controller using the UAV Toolbox Support Package for PX4 Autopilots and are getting some error. The Pixhawk 6C Mini is not directly supported out of the box in the support package. To use this autopilot with the support package, kindly refer to the following documentation:
A list of supported boards, along with documentation and examples, can be found on the File Exchange page for the support package:
More information on the specific error encountered along with reproduction steps would help in debugging the issue further.
Hope this is helpful!
  1 Kommentar
Omar am 6 Nov. 2024
First of all, thank you very much for your response.
I'm checking the error message.
When I tried to upload the selected firmware with the setup procedure, I typed the COMX which only appears for a few seconds in the device manager, after pressing the "upload firmware" button, the error message I got is: "Upload firmware failed: Build the firmware again.”
In another attempt, I skip this step and load the firmware using QgroundControl, but in this way QGC loads firmware version 1.15.0 v. When I try to connect a read uORB block, I get the error message:
Error in 'untitled1/PX4 uORB Read': Failed to evaluate mask initialization commands.
Caused by:
"sensor_accel" is not a valid uORB topic name.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
Error evaluating 'InitFcn' callback of Constant block 'untitled1/PX4 uORB Read/Constant'.
Callback string is 'px4.internal.block.SubscribeBlockMask.dispatch('constantBlkInitFcn', gcb);'
Caused by:
"sensor_accel" is not a valid uORB topic name.
Component:Simulink | Category:Model error
I will continue carrying out more tests to correct the errors and connect the autopilot
Thanks for your help

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Ankur Bose
Ankur Bose am 15 Jan. 2025 um 9:16
Although Pixhawk 6c Mini is not officially supported, you can still use the board by selecting Pixhawk 6c as the hardware target. Can you confirm if you are able to build the firmware and upload to Pixhawk 6c mini in hardware setup screen if you select Pixhawk 6c as the target




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