add arrow above textbox
4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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am 10 Okt. 2024
Kommentiert: Star Strider
am 10 Okt. 2024
I creat a colorbar depnd on my data I want to add an arrow and anothe text above a text of this figure here my code put it not work with arrow can help me to fix it
% Create a new figure
dataValues = [ 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.85,0.95];%15
% Number of rectangles
numRectangles = length(dataValues);
% Different strings for each rectangle
labels = {'l','Above -5','-10 - -5','-15 - -10','-25 - -20','-30 - -25', '-35 - -30',...
'-40 - -35 ' , '-45 - -40 ', '-50 - -45','-55 - -50','-60 - -55','-65 - -60',...
'-70 - -65','Below -70 ','Below -70 '};
% Define the size of the rectangles
rectWidth = 0.3;
rectHeight = 0.3;
% Define the number of rectangles
x = 14;
% Define the starting position for the first rectangle
startX = 1;
startY = 1;
% Create a colormap
cmap = parula(numRectangles); % Generate a colormap with a number of colors
% Loop through each data value to plot rectangles
hold on; % Retain current plot
for i = 1:x;
% Calculate position for each rectangle
position = [1,1 + i * (rectWidth + 0.1), rectWidth, rectHeight]; % Stacked horizontally
% Get color based on data value
colorIndex = round(dataValues(i) * (numRectangles - 1)) + 1; % Scale to colormap index
rectangle('Position', position, 'FaceColor', cmap(colorIndex+1, :)); % Plot each rectangle
% Define text label from the labels array
labelString = labels {i + 1};
% Position for the text (next to the rectangle)
textX = position(1) + rectWidth + 0.1; % Right of the rectangle
textY = position(2) + rectHeight / 2; % Centered vertically
% Place the text label next to the rectangle
text(textX, textY, labelString, 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'FontSize', 12);
hold off; % Release the plot hold
% Set the axes limits for better visibility
xlim([0 2]);
ylim([0 8.5]);
grid on
axis on; % Turn off the axes
% Add a title (optional)
%title('Matching Colors with Data Values');
% Add a text box above the rectangles
annotation('textbox', [0.7, 0.85, 0.000002, 0.000001], 'String', 'Depth', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FontSize', 12, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
% Add an arrow annotation above the text
% Calculate the arrow's position
arrowX = [textX, textX]; % X positions for the arrow
arrowY = [textY + 0.1, textY + 0.2]; % Y positions for the arrow
% Create the arrow annotation
annotation('arrow', arrowX, arrowY, 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
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Akzeptierte Antwort
Star Strider
am 10 Okt. 2024
I wrote some simple functions to transform (x,y) coordinates to normalised values to use with annotation functions.
I added them as:
xapf = @(x,pos,xl) pos(3)*(x-min(xl))/diff(xl)+pos(1); % 'x' Annotation Position Function
yapf = @(y,pos,yl) pos(4)*(y-min(yl))/diff(yl)+pos(2); % 'y' Annotation Position Function
xl = xlim;
yl = ylim;
pos = gca().Position;
since they need that information as well.
They appear to work here, although you may want to experiment with slightly different values for ‘arrowX’ and ‘arrowY’.
Try this —
% Create a new figure
dataValues = [ 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.85,0.95];%15
% Number of rectangles
numRectangles = length(dataValues);
% Different strings for each rectangle
labels = {'l','Above -5','-10 - -5','-15 - -10','-25 - -20','-30 - -25', '-35 - -30',...
'-40 - -35 ' , '-45 - -40 ', '-50 - -45','-55 - -50','-60 - -55','-65 - -60',...
'-70 - -65','Below -70 ','Below -70 '};
% Define the size of the rectangles
rectWidth = 0.3;
rectHeight = 0.3;
% Define the number of rectangles
x = 14;
% Define the starting position for the first rectangle
startX = 1;
startY = 1;
% Create a colormap
cmap = parula(numRectangles); % Generate a colormap with a number of colors
% Loop through each data value to plot rectangles
hold on; % Retain current plot
for i = 1:x;
% Calculate position for each rectangle
position = [1,1 + i * (rectWidth + 0.1), rectWidth, rectHeight]; % Stacked horizontally
% Get color based on data value
colorIndex = round(dataValues(i) * (numRectangles - 1)) + 1; % Scale to colormap index
rectangle('Position', position, 'FaceColor', cmap(colorIndex+1, :)); % Plot each rectangle
% Define text label from the labels array
labelString = labels {i + 1};
% Position for the text (next to the rectangle)
textX = position(1) + rectWidth + 0.1; % Right of the rectangle
textY = position(2) + rectHeight / 2; % Centered vertically
% Place the text label next to the rectangle
text(textX, textY, labelString, 'VerticalAlignment', 'middle', 'FontSize', 12);
hold off; % Release the plot hold
% Set the axes limits for better visibility
xlim([0 2]);
ylim([0 8.5]);
grid on
axis on; % Turn off the axes
% Add a title (optional)
%title('Matching Colors with Data Values');
% Add a text box above the rectangles
annotation('textbox', [0.7, 0.85, 0.000002, 0.000001], 'String', 'Depth', ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', 'FontSize', 12, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
% Add an arrow annotation above the text
% Calculate the arrow's position
arrowX = [textX, textX]; % X positions for the arrow
arrowY = [textY + 0.1, textY + 0.2]; % Y positions for the arrow
xapf = @(x,pos,xl) pos(3)*(x-min(xl))/diff(xl)+pos(1); % 'x' Annotation Position Function
yapf = @(y,pos,yl) pos(4)*(y-min(yl))/diff(yl)+pos(2); % 'y' Annotation Position Function
xl = xlim;
yl = ylim;
pos = gca().Position;
% Create the arrow annotation
annotation('arrow', xapf(arrowX,pos,xl), yapf(arrowY,pos,yl), 'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
Use ‘xapf’ and ‘yapf’ in other instances as well, if you want to. Their use here should provide enough essential documentation for that.
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