Compare the contents to 2 subsystems within Simulink

12 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Lucas am 7 Mai 2015
Bearbeitet: N Kando am 12 Jul. 2017
Is there an easy way to compare the contents of 2 subsystems in MatLab? I want to take one subsystem and check it against another to ensure the contents of both are the same. I didn't want to try to create a loop that'll take all the block from the subsystems and loop through them checking each parameter of each block to make sure all the logical operator are the same.

Antworten (2)

Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein am 7 Mai 2015
I don't know what you mean with "subsystem", but if you have two variables with any kind of data (no matter if it's a struct or a cell or a numerical array) and you want to check for equality, use isequal(var1,var2).
  3 Kommentare
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein am 7 Mai 2015
I didn't work with Simulink so far, so I cannot tell you if this works there as well. In Matlab you would use isequal.
As Simulink wasn't mentioned anywhere, I'll add this as the product here.
Lucas am 7 Mai 2015
I tried to use isequal, but it only works for the blocks in the subsystems, it doesn't compare the parameters. If I have to do it by hand, I'll have to use isequal on all the blocks parameters as well.

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N Kando
N Kando am 12 Jul. 2017
Bearbeitet: N Kando am 12 Jul. 2017


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