Cannot add line to magnitude graph after FFT

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Sam am 8 Sep. 2024
Beantwortet: Shivansh am 8 Sep. 2024
I tried to use FFT to transfer a time domain data to frequency domain, and it appear two graphs (magnitude against frequency and phrase against frequency). I want to hide phrase graph and add a vertical line to the magnitude graph. However, the line only add to the phrase graph even I have hidden it. Could any talented matlab user advise how can I add the vertical line to the magnitude graph? Thank you!
T = 0.001
G3data1 = iddata(G3x1,[],T)
G3data2 = iddata(G3x2,[],T)
G3data3 = iddata(G3x3,[],T)
G3data4 = iddata(G3x4,[],T)
M3f1 = fft(G3data1)
M3f2 = fft(G3data2)
M3f3 = fft(G3data3)
M3f4 = fft(G3data4)
M3f = merge(M3f1, M3f2, M3f3, M3f4,N)
opt = dataPlotOptions('frequency');
opt.PhaseVisible = 'off';
opt.Xlim = [1 50];
opt.FreqUnits = 'Hz';
opt.FreqScale = 'linear';
title('Frequency Graph')

Antworten (1)

Shivansh am 8 Sep. 2024
Hi Sam,
You can add a vertical line to the magnitude graph while hiding the phase graph by adding the line to the correct axes.
You can refer to the following code snippet for reference:
% Plot the data with phase hidden
plot(M3f, opt);
% Get handles to the axes
ax = gca; % Get current axes, assuming it's the magnitude plot
% Add a vertical line to the magnitude plot
xline(ax, 5);
% Customize the plot
title(ax, 'Frequency Graph');
legend(ax, {'data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4'});
I hope this resolves the issue!


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