How can I add a title to a volume object?

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Thomas Smart
Thomas Smart am 29 Aug. 2024
Kommentiert: Suraj Kumar am 29 Aug. 2024
If I use volshow to display some volume V:
V = ones([3 3 3]);
vol = volshow(V);
How can I add a title to the Volume object created by volshow?

Akzeptierte Antwort

Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar am 29 Aug. 2024
Hi Thomas,
To add a title to a volume object , you can go through the following steps and attached code snippets:
1. Create volumetric data 'v', which represents the volume data that you want to visualize.
v = ones([3, 3, 3]);
2. Create a UIFigure which is essential to provide an environment that for rendering.Then use the ‘volshow’ function to visualize the volumetric data ‘v’ and set ‘uifigure’ as the ‘Parent’ which ensures that the visualization is embedded within the ‘uifigure’.
uifig = uifigure;
vol = volshow(v, 'Parent', uifig);
3. Next, use the ‘uilabel’ function and add the title and adjust the parameters as required.
titleLabel = uilabel(uifig, ...
'Text', 'Volume Title', ...
'Position', [100, 370, 300, 30], ...
'FontSize', 16, ...
'FontWeight', 'bold', ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center');
You can refer to the output below for better understanding:
For more information on ‘uifigure’ and ‘uilabel’ functions in MATLAB , you can go through the documentations below:
Hope this works for you!
  2 Kommentare
Thomas Smart
Thomas Smart am 29 Aug. 2024
Thanks Suraj, that's very helpful.
Suraj Kumar
Suraj Kumar am 29 Aug. 2024
You are welcome!

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