How to resolve position violation errors in Simulink

9 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
석준 am 8 Aug. 2024
Kommentiert: Yifeng Tang am 15 Aug. 2024
Hello, I am working on an 8-axis Stewart platform simulator in Simulink. I have set motion inputs for the 8 prismatic joints using formula-based values and feedback control. Since the initial position of all prismatic joints is 0.5m, I set the priority to high in the Specify Position Target option and entered a value of 0.5m. However, when I run the simulation, a Position Violation error occurs as shown in the picture below. It seems that there is an issue with the motion input for the 8 prismatic joints. If you know how to solve this problem, I would appreciate your help.
I apologize for not being able to attach the entire model as it is part of an ongoing research project.
Thank you for your understanding.
  2 Kommentare
Umar am 8 Aug. 2024
Hi @석준,
I would recommend reviewing the formula-based values and feedback control settings for the 8 prismatic joints to ensure they are correctly defined. Then, verify the solver settings in Simulink to make sure they are appropriate for the simulation. Make sure to double check the specified position targets for the prismatic joints and making sure that the initial positions and target positions are set correctly. Afterwards, re-run the simulation after making adjustments to the motion inputs, solver configuration, and position targets.
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang am 15 Aug. 2024
I suspect that some inputs, or the initial value of the inputs, is in conflict with the desired initial position of the joints. The solver isn't able to find a solution that will satify all these information sent to the joints. An input of position to the joint will override the initial target you set.

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