how to get a good estimate of the positive parameters that will give a good fit of the curves to real data?
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]';
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode23s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, 'r*');
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, 'b-');
xlabel('time in days');
ylabel('Number of monhiv cases');
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, 'r*');
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, 'b-');
xlabel('time in days');
ylabel('Number of Coinfection cases');
axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
% Minimization routine using Nelder & Mead Simplex algorithm (a derivative-free method)
% Assigns the new values of parameters to k and the error to fval
[k,fval] = fminsearch(@moderHS,k0)
%print final values of alpha and beta
%Draw the data with the final ODE
[T, Y] = ode45(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of ...
residuals = (Hdata+HSdata - Hh-HShs)./2;
hold on
xlabel('Time in days');
ylabel('Number of mono-HIV cases');
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend('Data', 'Model estimation');
hold on
xlabel('Time in days');
ylabel('Number of Coinfection cases');
axis([2009 2019 0 1000]);
legend('Data', 'Model estimation');
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) - (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) - ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) - (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) - (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) - ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) - ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) - ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function error_in_data = moderHS(k)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
[T, Y] = ode23s(@(t,y)(modelhs(t,y,k)),tforward,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of ...
%the solution at
A=(H - Hdata).^2;
B=(HS - HSdata).^2;
error_in_data =sum(A)./(11*D)+ sum(B)./(11*D1);
2 Kommentare
am 28 Jul. 2024
What exactly is your question ?
If you want positive parameters, use a minimizer that accepts lower and upper bounds on the parameters, e.g. "lsqcurvefit" instead of "fminsearch".
If you want parameters that better fit your data, vary the initial guesses for the parameters (e.g. by using "MultiStart").
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 28 Jul. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten
am 28 Jul. 2024
You should avoid defining the same data, parameters and variable definitions multiple times in your code (specific_data, gamma, phi_S,phi_H,H,HS,...). Pass them to functions where needed and define functions for repeating expressions.
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
% Utilisez les données spécifiques
tdata = specific_data(:, 1);
Hdata = specific_data(:, 2);
HSdata = specific_data(:, 3);
tforward = 2009:1:2019;
%tmeasure = [ 1:100:1001]';
% initial values
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S = 0.0006; % transmission prob
phi_H = 0.000051; % trans proba
theta1 = 100; % djustment parameters for syph
theta2 = 4; %djustment parameters for hi
alpha = 0.6; % progression rate
beta = 0.2; %Complications rate
rho1 = 0.4; % adjustment parameters
rho2 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
rho3 = 1.5; % adjustment parameters
k0 = [phi_S phi_H c1 c2 theta1 theta2 alpha beta rho1 rho2 rho3 ];
% solve equ with initial value of parameters
[t, Y] = ode15s(@(t, y)modelhs(t, y, k0), tforward, [ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
yintM = Y(:,1);
yintS = Y(:,2);
yintH1 = Y(:,3);
yintH2 = Y(:,4);
Hh=phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintM + rho1 * gamma * yintH1S + alpha* yintH2; % new cases from monoH
HShs=theta1*phi_S * ( yintS + c2 * yintH1S ).*yintH1 + theta2*phi_H * ( yintH1 + c1 * yintH1S ).*yintS+ rho2*alpha*yintH1S; %new case of co h-s
%H2q = Y(:,4);% assignts the y-coordinates of .
% Plotting specific data and solutions
% Display the results
plot(tdata, Hdata, 'r*');
hold on
plot(tdata, Hh, 'b-');
xlabel('time in days');
ylabel('Number of monhiv cases');
%axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
plot(tdata, HSdata, 'r*');
hold on
plot(tdata, HShs, 'b-');
xlabel('time in days');
ylabel('Number of Coinfection cases');
%axis([2009 2019 0 500]);
kstart = k0.*(1+0.01*rand(size(k0))) % Change k by a little amount
[k,fval] = lsqcurvefit(@simulatedhs,kstart,tforward,[Hh,HShs],zeros(numel(k0),1),[],optimset('MaxFunEvals',10000,'MaxIter',10000));
simulated_data = simulatedhs(k,tforward);
H = simulated_data(:,1);
HS = simulated_data(:,2);
function dy=modelhs(~,y,k)
delta = 0.01; % Taux de mortalité
delta_S = 0.05; % Taux de mort de Syphilis.
delta_H = 0.4;
Lambda =4.04 *100;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
dy = zeros(7,1);
%lambda_s=phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5))
%lambda_H= phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) )
dy(1) = Lambda + gamma * y(2) - (phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + phi_H * (y(3) + c1 * y(5)) + delta ) * y(1) ;%M
dy(2)= phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) * y(1) - ( gamma + theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) + delta_S ) * y(2) ;%S
dy(3) = phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(1) + rho1 * gamma * y(5) - (theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5)) + delta + delta_H + alpha) * y(3) ;%H1
dy(4) = alpha * y(3) - (beta + delta + delta_H) * y(4) ;%H2
dy(5) = theta2 * phi_H * ( y(3) + c1 * y(5) ) * y(2) + ( theta1 * phi_S * ( y(2) + c2 * y(5) ) ) * y(3) - ( rho1 * gamma + rho2 * alpha + delta_H + delta_S + delta ) * y(5) ;%H1S
dy(6)= rho2 * alpha * y(5) - ( rho3 * beta + delta_S + delta_H + delta ) * y(6) ;%H2S
dy(7)= beta * y(4) + rho3 * beta * y(6) - ( delta + delta_H ) * y(7) ;%C
function simulated_data = simulatedhs(k,tdata)
% Données spécifiques
specific_data = [
2009 2 8;
2010 10 22;
2011 30 45;
2012 111 75;
2013 125 96;
2014 255 192;
2015 379 227;
2016 384 238
2017 360 279;
2018 399 229;
2019 235 128
gamma = 1.5;
phi_S =k(1);
phi_H =k(2);
c1 = k(3);
c2=k(4) ;
theta1 =k(5) ;
theta2 = k(6);
alpha = k(7);
beta = k(8);
rho1 = k(9);
rho2= k(10);
[T, Y] = ode15s(@(t,y)modelhs(t,y,k),tdata,[ 5000.0 20.0 2.0 0.0 6.0 2.0 0.0 ]);
M = Y(:,1);
S = Y(:,2);
H1 = Y(:,3);
H2 = Y(:,4);
H=phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*M + rho1 * gamma*H1S + alpha* H2; % new cases from mono-HIV
HS=theta1*phi_S * ( S + c2 * H1S ).*H1 + theta2*phi_H * ( H1 + c1 * H1S ).*S+ rho2*alpha*H1S; %new case of coinfection hiv+syphilis
simulated_data = [H,HS];
11 Kommentare
am 5 Aug. 2024
I have not yet used this solver. Whether you use nlinfit, lsqcurvefit, fmincon, fitnlm, ga - the changes to substitute one solver by another should be minimal.
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