With a ribbon plot, how to make the ribbons go along each matrix row instead of each column?

6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
In the ribbon command, the ribbons run along each column of the matrix. The Y vector must be of length = to the number of rows in the matrix. How do I get the ribbons to run along each row of the matrix? I tried many combinations of flipud, fliplr, transpose, etc., and either the axis is going in the wrong direction, or the labels are wrong.
Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,4,4; 3,4,5,5]
Here the ribbons run in the y direction, but I want them to run in the x direction. Nothing else, e.g., the axis numbering, should change.
  4 Kommentare
dpb am 19 Jul. 2024
Bearbeitet: dpb am 19 Jul. 2024
"...With the type of figure I'm generating, I would be happy with just lines in a 3D plot"
It can be done with plot3 if your Q? hadn't specifically asked about ribbon
t = 0:pi/500:pi;
X(:,1) = sin(t).*cos(10*t);
X(:,2) = sin(t).*cos(12*t);
X(:,3) = sin(t).*cos(20*t);
Y(:,1) = sin(t).*sin(10*t);
Y(:,2) = sin(t).*sin(12*t);
Y(:,3) = sin(t).*sin(20*t);
Z = cos(t);
Using the example of multiple lines from the doc

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Akzeptierte Antwort

dpb am 19 Jul. 2024
Bearbeitet: dpb am 19 Jul. 2024
It can be done with plot3 excepting the Q? asked specifically how to do a ribbon.
Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,4,4; 3,4,5,5].';
grid on
xlabel('X'), ylabel('Y')
It would be interesting to see a real dataset...
  2 Kommentare
Jeff Owen
Jeff Owen am 20 Jul. 2024
An even simpler answer. I forgot all about plot3. I was following a rabbit hole with ribbon. Nevertheless, Voss came up with a very simple way to do it. Wish I could accept both answers. You guys rock.
dpb am 20 Jul. 2024
Indeed, his is a neat trick...but for your expressed end purpose, plot3 is probably the better tool based on your sample plots above, and not the toy dataset for the Q?

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Weitere Antworten (2)

Voss am 18 Jul. 2024
Bearbeitet: Voss am 18 Jul. 2024
If you have some leeway on the x- and y-axis tick locations, you can use ribbon with the tranpose of Z and just alter the axis labels and orientation:
Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,4,4; 3,4,5,5];
Y = (0:size(Z,2)-1).';
  4 Kommentare
dpb am 19 Jul. 2024
Agreed that it is clever with existing ribbon function -- I started down that path but beat me here (although this response wasn't yet up). The y.' is obvious; I wasn't sure @Jeff Owen would think relabeling the axes was kosher or not...
Still, it seems a weakness in the supplied function that it doesn't have the ability to specify which axes orientation against which to draw the ribbons.
Voss am 19 Jul. 2024
"it seems a weakness in the supplied function that it doesn't have the ability to specify which axes orientation against which to draw the ribbons"
I agree.

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Voss am 18 Jul. 2024
Z=[0,1,2,2; 1,2,3,3; 2,3,4,4; 3,4,5,5];
[m,n] = size(Z);
Y = (0:m-1).';
X = (0:n-1).';
Original ribbon plot, for reference:
Create surface objects (what ribbon creates), but with the desired properties:
w = 0.1;
for ii = 1:m
surface([X+1,X+1],(ii-1)*ones(n,1)+w/2*[-1 1],Z([ii ii],:).',ii*ones(n,2));
grid on
  2 Kommentare
Jeff Owen
Jeff Owen am 18 Jul. 2024
Thank you so much. It absolutely meets my needs. I was going crazy trying to imagine matrix flips, rotations, and transposes in order to do it with "ribbon." You folks have come to the rescue again! :-)
Voss am 18 Jul. 2024
Bearbeitet: Voss am 18 Jul. 2024
You're welcome! Any questions, let me know.
Also, see my other answer, which uses ribbon and may be acceptable.

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