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Draw an arrow on a plot

38 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
University am 11 Jun. 2024
Beantwortet: Shivani am 11 Jun. 2024
Please how can draw an arrow on each of this plot showing the direction for increasing time.

Antworten (1)

Shivani am 11 Jun. 2024
Without the specific code to replicate the plot diagram, I may not be able to provide an accurate solution.However, MATLAB's 'quiver' function can be used to plot an arrow indicating directional components. To determine the direction of increasing time in wave propagation plots, observe the sequence of curves. If the curves shift right as they ascend the y-axis, time increases to the right; if left, time increases to the left. Identify the direction of time increase, then use 'quiver' to draw an arrow from the first (lowest) curve to the last (highest), visually indicating the direction of time progression.
The following MATLAB documentation link provides more details on using the 'quiver' function:
Additionally, you can refer to the following MATLAB answer thread for more information:
Hope this helps!


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