Parfor Execution time variation

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Anshika Goel
Anshika Goel am 6 Jun. 2024
Kommentiert: Anshika Goel am 21 Aug. 2024
I am using parfor for reading 600 .raw files.
parfor i=1:600
Z=fread(a,[1536 1536],'uint16');
However, I am observing significant variability in the execution time, which ranges from 14 seconds to 110 seconds across different runs.
Why is this discrepancy occurring? Is there a way to achieve more consistent execution times?
  4 Kommentare
Christopher Mirfin
Christopher Mirfin am 12 Jun. 2024
Do you observe the same variability when running with a standard for-loop, or a process-based pool parpool("Processes",4) ?
Also, are you reading from your local hard drive or a network location?
Anshika Goel
Anshika Goel am 13 Jun. 2024
Bearbeitet: Anshika Goel am 13 Jun. 2024
In the standard for loop, I am not getting any variability it is taking 35-40 sec.
Whereas, in a process based pool, the variability is less (55-63 sec), but it is taking more time than the standard for loop.
And I am reading from a local hard drive,not from network location.
Is there any other solution, where I can reduce this execution time to less than 15 sec.

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Swastik Sarkar
Swastik Sarkar am 21 Aug. 2024
I also have an Intel Xeon processor (4 cores) with 16GB RAM. I executed your code after generating 600 files as follows:
matrix = uint16(ones(1536));
folder = 'nums';
for i=1:600
fid = fopen([folder '/' num2str(i)], 'w');
mat = matrix .* i;
fwrite(fid, mat, 'uint16');
In my tests, the variability in execution time was not as significant as you mentioned; it ranged from 189 seconds to 200 seconds. the main bottleneck is likely due to file I/O operations.
To optimize execution time, consider performing file reads asynchronously. I developed the following code using parfeval to read 600 files asynchronously:
c = zeros(1536, 1536, 600, 'uint16');
folder = "nums";
pool = gcp('nocreate');
if isempty(pool)
pool = parpool('threads');
futures = parallel.FevalFuture.empty(600, 0);
for i = 1:600
fileName = fullfile(folder, num2str(i));
futures(i) = parfeval(@readFile, 1, fileName);
for i = 1:600
c(:, :, i) = fetchOutputs(futures(i));
function Z = readFile(fileName)
a = fopen(fileName, 'r');
Z = fread(a, [1536 1536], 'uint16');
In my tests, this approach reduced the execution time to between 14-16 seconds.
You can learn more about “parfeval” from here:
I hope this helps.

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