Why do I get an "Access Denied: Your license is invalid" error when trying to log in to the Polyspace Access Web UI?

17 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
When I try to sign in to the Polyspace Access Web UI using my username and password, I get a pop-up window with the error:
Access denied Your license is invalid. Contact the project administrator or your IT.
How can I resolve this error?

Akzeptierte Antwort

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team am 24 Dez. 2024 um 0:00
Bearbeitet: MathWorks Support Team am 24 Dez. 2024 um 14:25
This is a generic license error indicating that the license checkout for Polyspace Access failed when this user tried to sign in. There are several common license errors, so it is a good idea to obtain the log file from within the Polyspace Access Web Server container to identify the specific license error that occurred.
Run this command in Linux Terminal on the server where Polyspace Access is running to obtain the log:
docker logs polyspace-access-web-server-0-main > logs.txt 2>&1
Then open the "logs.txt" file in a text editor and search for "License Manager Error".
For Polyspace Access R2021b and older, the command is slightly different:
docker logs polyspace-access-web-server-main > logs.txt 2>&1
If you see a "License Manager Error -39", this indicates a problem with your options file and you must add the user's username to the options file and save the changes before restarting your license manager.
For more information, see:
Manage Named Users for Polyspace Access
If you see a "License Manager Error -96", this indicates that the hostname of the license server specified in the network.lic file could not be resolved to an IP address. As a workaround, replace the hostname in the network.lic file with the IP address of the license server, then "Restart Apps" from the Cluster Admin Dashboard.
For more information, see:
Why do I get a License Manager Error -96 or Error -95 in Polyspace Access when reviewing results?
If you need support troubleshooting the license error, contact MathWorks Installation Support via phone or email (support@mathworks.com) and provide the specific license error that you found in the logs.txt file.
To create a support request or call us, see:
Contact Support

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