I set the following piecewise function to integrate it:
function lambda = weight(x,L1,L2,M)
lambda = (M ./ (4 .* (L1 + L2))) + ((3 .* M) / (2 .* L2 .^ 2)) .* (L1 - x);
lambda = M ./ (4 .* (L1 + L2)) .* ones(size(x));
Now, I am trying to integrate lambda between 0 and 15. Everything looks okay, but the results are different when I try to integrate the whole interval than when I do it by sections. In the following code, check should be 0 or near to 0, but I am getting 5.1042e+03.
lambda = @(x) weight(x,5,10,35000);
aux1 = integral(lambda,0,15)
aux2 = integral(lambda,0,5)
aux3 = integral(lambda,5,15)
check1 = aux1 - aux2 + aux3
Does anyone know what is the issue here?
I know it work fine by sections but I would like it to do it as a whole.