chosing the right Vnom, Qnom point in Shepherd model

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
aymen mahmoudi
aymen mahmoudi am 14 Mai 2024
Kommentiert: aymen mahmoudi am 7 Aug. 2024
Hello, I'm currently using the battery library in Simulink, based on the Shepherd model. When I input the nominal voltage values as specified in the datasheet, I notice that the curve accuracy diminishes after the nominal voltage range. However, when I manually select different points, I obtain a more accurate curve. Which approach is preferable: relying on the nominal voltage values provided in the datasheet or selecting my own points to achieve a more accurate representation of the battery's behavior?

Antworten (1)

Ayush am 5 Aug. 2024
Bearbeitet: Ayush am 6 Aug. 2024
Hi Aymen,
A balanced approach here would be the most suitable for the most accurate representation of the battery's behaviour. Here is a step-by-step approach for the same:
1. To begin with, you can use the nominal voltage values from the battery's datasheet as they are the baseline standards and ensure that the initial model is as per the manufacturer's specifications.
2. You can then refine the model by analyzing the performance and identifying the critical points where the curve accuracy dips. Collect data or conduct tests in these identified areas to better understand the battery's behaviour.
3. Once done, you can then manually adjust the model by selecting the more accurate points, especially where the nominal values are dropping to ensure that the model capture the variations of your battery.
4. To validate the refined model, you can compare it with real-world data and confirm whether the modifications increase the accuracy of the battery's behaviour or not.
5. Continuously refine and validate the model to maintain its reliability and accuracy across different operating conditions and without introducing significant errors.
Some toolboxes that can increase this workflow's efficiency are referenced below:
Simulink Design Optimization:
Hope this helps!
  3 Kommentare
Ayush am 7 Aug. 2024
Hi Aymen,
Can you provide me the simulink model, if possible?
aymen mahmoudi
aymen mahmoudi am 7 Aug. 2024
yes of course
this is the final comparaison of results between original and simulated
you can find datasheet and dataset of real curve of discharge
thanks for help

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