Curve fitting and parameter estimation with lsqcurvefit
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Dear Matlab family...
I have been following previous chats about this topic but when I try to relate with my model I get the error below. Note that, to improve the accuacy of the model, not everything needs to be estimated from the dataset, some aspects like natural mortality can be obtained from literature and government records, so in this case, I want to pass mu and Lambda as I already obtained them from literature, and only estimate the other parameters. I have attached my matlab script and my data for your convinience. Thank you very much for your assistance. As this is experimental, feel free to vary the initial conditions and boundaries for the parameters.
Error using lsqcurvefit>initEvalErrorHandler
FUN must have two input arguments.
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 258)
userFcn_ME = initEvalErrorHandler(userFcn_ME,funfcn_x_xdata{3}, ...
Error in fit_run (line 24)
estimated_params = lsqcurvefit(objective, initial_guess, lb, ub);
0 Kommentare
Antworten (2)
am 10 Mai 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten
am 10 Mai 2024
% Load data
data = readtable('infections.csv');
dates = datetime(data.Date, 'InputFormat', 'dd-MMM-yy');
cases = data.Cases;
% Define time vector
t = 1:numel(cases);
% Initial guess for parameters
initial_guess = [0.5, 0.1, 0.1];
% Define lower and upper bounds
lb = [0, 0, 0];
ub = [1, 1, 1];
% Call lsqcurvefit
estimated_params = lsqcurvefit(@objective, initial_guess, t, cases, lb, ub);
function I = objective(params,t)
S0 = ...
E0 = ...
I0 = ...
R0 = ...
[~,Y] = ode45(@(t,y)fit(t,y,params),t,[S0;E0;I0;R0]);
I = Y(:,3);
function dydt = fit(t, y, params)
S = y(1);
E = y(2);
I = y(3);
R = y(4);
beta = params(1);
sigma = params(2);
gamma = params(3);
dS = Lambda-beta*S*I-mu*S;
dE = beta*S*I - sigma*E-mu*E;
dI = sigma*E - gamma*I-mu*I;
dR = gamma*I-mu*R;
dydt = [dS; dE; dI; dR];
0 Kommentare
Star Strider
am 10 Mai 2024
If you look at your data, I do not believe that there is any way to use your ‘SEIR’ model to fit them —
T1 = readtable('infections.csv')
plot(T1{:,1}, T1{:,2})
That aside, I wrote code using both lsqcurvefit (thatt fails because I serously doube any parameter set will work with your code) andusing the genetic algorithm (ga) that you can use if you have the Global Optimization Toolbox. Thd data span three yeaars, from 20 to 22, so the date data on the x-axis are not accurate, although the plot itself is. I created a linear daily date vector ‘t’ in my code that you can use if you want to.
My code for your problem —
clear all
close all
T1 = readtable('infections.csv')
DOY = day(T1.Date,'dayofyear');
didx = [diff(DOY)<0];
de = DOY(didx~=0);
di = cumsum([0; didx]);
di(di==1) = DOY(di == 1) + de(1);
di(di==2) = DOY(di == 2) + de(1) + de(2);
% size(di)
% size(T1)
plot(di, T1{:,2})
% return
t = di;
c = T1{:,2};
% theta0 = rand(7,1).*[ones(3,1)*1E+5; rand(4,1)];
% tic
% % [theta,Rsdnrm,Rsd,ExFlg,OptmInfo,Lmda,Jmat]=lsqcurvefit(@kinetics,theta0,t,c,zeros(size(theta0)));
% toc
ftns = @(theta) norm(c-kinetics(theta,t));
PopSz = 500;
Parms = 7;
optsAns = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms).*[ones(1,3) ones(1,4)*1E-3], 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10); % Options Structure For 'Answers' Problems
% opts = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10, 'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf, 'PlotInterval',1);
% optshf = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10, 'HybridFcn',@fmincon, 'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf, 'PlotInterval',1); % With 'HybridFcn'
t0 = clock;
fprintf('\nStart Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t0)
[theta,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ga(ftns, Parms, [],[],[],[],zeros(Parms,1),Inf(Parms,1),[],[],optsAns);
t1 = clock;
fprintf('\nStop Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t1)
GA_Time = etime(t1,t0)
DT_GA_Time = datetime([0 0 0 0 0 GA_Time], 'Format','HH:mm:ss.SSS');
fprintf('\nElapsed Time: %23.15E\t\t%s\n\n', GA_Time, DT_GA_Time)
fprintf('Fitness value at convergence = %.4f\nGenerations \t\t\t\t = %d\n\n',fval,output.generations)
fprintf(1,'\tRate Constants:\n')
for k1 = 1:numel(theta)
fprintf(1, '\t\tTheta(%2d) = %8.5f\n', k1, theta(k1))
tv = linspace(min(t), max(t));
Cfit = kinetics(theta, tv);
hd = plot(t, c, 'p');
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
CV(k1,:) = hd(k1).Color;
hd(k1).MarkerFaceColor = CV(k1,:);
hold on
hlp = plot(tv, Cfit);
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
hlp(k1).Color = CV(k1,:);
hold off
legend(hlp, compose('C_%d',1:size(c,2)), 'Location','best')
function C=kinetics(params,t)
function dydt = DifEq(t, y)
S = y(1);
E = y(2);
I = y(3);
R = y(4);
beta = params(1);
sigma = params(2);
gamma = params(3);
dS = Lambda-beta*S*I-mu*S;
dE = beta*S*I - sigma*E-mu*E;
dI = sigma*E - gamma*I-mu*I;
dR = gamma*I-mu*R;
dydt = [dS; dE; dI; dR];
I assumed that the ‘Cases’ were likely described by ‘dI’ so I chose the third column of the output of the integration to fit them. I also chaged the integrator to ode15s because your data are likely ‘stiff’ as are systems of differential equations describing most kinetic data.
My code runs, however it doesn’t converge because your model likely doesn’t describe your data.
2 Kommentare
Star Strider
am 11 Mai 2024
I seriously doubt if my code (and your sifferential equation system) are going to work, regardless. Ths eimple reason is that they are not set up to model the sort of data you are giving them.
If you already have an identified model, you could probably (no promises) estimate the ‘S’, ‘E’, and ‘R’ data from the available ‘I’ data, however fitting those equations to your data is likely not possible, simply because your differential equations describe an entirely different situation than are present in your data. See for example The SEIRS model for infectious disease dynamics Nat Methods 17, 557–558 (2020). The newer data do not change that.
clear all
close all
T1 = readtable('infections1.csv')
DOY = day(T1.Date,'dayofyear');
% didx = [diff(DOY)<0];
% de = DOY(didx~=0)
% di = cumsum([0; didx])
% di(di==1) = DOY(di == 1) + de(1);
% di(di==2) = DOY(di == 2) + de(1) + de(2);
% size(di)
% size(T1)
di = DOY - DOY(1);
plot(di, T1{:,2})
t = di;
c = T1{:,2};
% theta0 = rand(7,1).*[ones(3,1)*1E+5; rand(4,1)];
% tic
% % [theta,Rsdnrm,Rsd,ExFlg,OptmInfo,Lmda,Jmat]=lsqcurvefit(@kinetics,theta0,t,c,zeros(size(theta0)));
% toc
ftns = @(theta) norm(c-kinetics(theta,t));
PopSz = 500;
Parms = 7;
optsAns = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms).*[ones(1,3) ones(1,4)*1E-3], 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10); % Options Structure For 'Answers' Problems
% opts = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10, 'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf, 'PlotInterval',1);
% optshf = optimoptions('ga', 'PopulationSize',PopSz, 'InitialPopulationMatrix',randi(1E+4,PopSz,Parms)*1E-3, 'MaxGenerations',5E3, 'FunctionTolerance',1E-10, 'HybridFcn',@fmincon, 'PlotFcn',@gaplotbestf, 'PlotInterval',1); % With 'HybridFcn'
t0 = clock;
fprintf('\nStart Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t0)
[theta,fval,exitflag,output,population,scores] = ga(ftns, Parms, [],[],[],[],zeros(Parms,1),Inf(Parms,1),[],[],optsAns);
t1 = clock;
fprintf('\nStop Time: %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%07.4f\n', t1)
GA_Time = etime(t1,t0)
DT_GA_Time = datetime([0 0 0 0 0 GA_Time], 'Format','HH:mm:ss.SSS');
fprintf('\nElapsed Time: %23.15E\t\t%s\n\n', GA_Time, DT_GA_Time)
fprintf('Fitness value at convergence = %.4f\nGenerations \t\t\t\t = %d\n\n',fval,output.generations)
fprintf(1,'\tRate Constants:\n')
for k1 = 1:numel(theta)
fprintf(1, '\t\tTheta(%2d) = %8.5f\n', k1, theta(k1))
tv = linspace(min(t), max(t));
Cfit = kinetics(theta, tv);
hd = plot(t, c, 'p');
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
CV(k1,:) = hd(k1).Color;
hd(k1).MarkerFaceColor = CV(k1,:);
hold on
hlp = plot(tv, Cfit);
for k1 = 1:size(c,2)
hlp(k1).Color = CV(k1,:);
hold off
legend(hlp, compose('C_%d',1:size(c,2)), 'Location','best')
function C=kinetics(params,t)
function dydt = DifEq(t, y)
S = y(1);
E = y(2);
I = y(3);
R = y(4);
beta = params(1);
sigma = params(2);
gamma = params(3);
dS = Lambda-beta*S*I-mu*S;
dE = beta*S*I - sigma*E-mu*E;
dI = sigma*E - gamma*I-mu*I;
dR = gamma*I-mu*R;
dydt = [dS; dE; dI; dR];
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