Hello folks !
I have some trouble creating a simulink model for my UV abrorption sensor. I think there is something I am missing and I am sorry in advance if my question is naive. So briefly :
I have an array of wavelengths starting from 200nm all the way to 280nm with a step of 1nm. (lambda)
I have the irradiance values of my lightsource with respect to wavelength from above (ixenon)
Similarly I have the values for a bandpass optical filter (filter)
and a photodiode sensitivity (phd) with values with respect to wavelength that convert light to current
Last but not least I have an array of values for the light emitance power my lightsource (pxenon) with respect to time
I want to create a simulink model where a pulse is behaving according to pxenon values with respect to time and the irradiance is modified according to the filter transmittance before reaching the photodiode, where irradiance is converted to current.
I know that I want to have the ixenon values multiplied with the filter values and the phd values (all element-wise multiplication) and after that they need to be summed, but I have problem choosing the simulink blocks and using the pxenon values. Is there any advice you can give me ?