How to convert a vehicle log with *.blf extension to a timetable/timeseries?

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am trying to read a sample vehicle log in Matlab 2021B with the code below and convert it into a struct that will be timeseries.
I can read the vehicle log with the blfread function. However, when I try to convert this data to timetable with the j1939ParameterGroupTimetable function, I get the following error. It does not give a warning about which message or signal is problematic. What do you suggest for the solution?
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.
canDB = canDatabase('VCAN.dbc');
BlfInfo = blfinfo('VehicleLOG.blf');
for i = 1:size(BlfInfo.ChannelList,1)
canData = blfread('VehicleLOG.blf', i);
TimeTable = j1939ParameterGroupTimetable(canData, canDB);
SgnTimeTable = j1939SignalTimetable(TimeTable);
FieldMsg = fieldnames(SgnTimeTable);
for j = 1:numel(FieldMsg)
SgnNames = SgnTimeTable.(FieldMsg{j}).Properties.VariableNames;
for k = 1:numel(SgnNames)
SgnName = [FieldMsg{j}, '__', SgnNames{k}];
TEST.(SgnName) = timeseries(SgnTimeTable.(FieldMsg{j}).(SgnNames{k}), seconds(SgnTimeTable.(FieldMsg{j}).Time));

Antworten (1)

Abhinav Aravindan
Abhinav Aravindan am 19 Sep. 2024
I had faced a similar issue before while using the “j1939ParameterGroupTimetable”. However, this issue appears to be fixed in MATLAB R2024a.
Please find attached the related documentation for your reference.
I hope this answers your question!


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