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How can you design linear arrays using a different axis than the xz-plane in antennaArrayDesigner?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to design an array of dipole antennas, but I want them to be "stacked" on top of each other, increasing in the z-direction. Even if I figure out how to change the xz-plane, I still have to make them stacked on top of each other, not just laying down horizontally. How can I achieve this?

Antworten (1)

Umeshraja am 19 Aug. 2024
Bearbeitet: Umeshraja am 21 Sep. 2024 um 12:18
Hi @Will,
You can design an antenna array with arbitrary geometry using the 'Conformal' Array type in the Antenna Array Designer.
This allows you to place new elements by clicking the antenna and positioning it anywhere on any canvas plane (XY, YZ, ZX). And to rotate any element, update the value in 'Tilt(deg)' and 'TiltAxis' property.
You can launch the Antenna Array Designer by executing the following command:
Also, you can start it by searching in the app section.
Alternatively, you can design programmatically using the ConformalArray object in the Antenna Toolbox. Below is an example that demonstrates how to design an array of dipole antennas stacked vertically along the z-axis.
numDipoles = 5;
% Spacing between dipoles (in meters)
spacing = 0.2;
% Frequency of operation (in Hz)
frequency = 1e9; % 1 GHz
% Speed of light
c = physconst('LightSpeed');
% Wavelength
wavelength = c / frequency;
% Create the dipole antenna element with specified dimensions
dipoleElement = dipole('Length', wavelength/2, 'Width', wavelength/100);
% Define positions of dipoles in the array
elementPositions = zeros(3, numDipoles);
for i = 1:numDipoles
% Position each dipole in the z-direction
elementPositions(:, i) = [0; 0; (i-1)*spacing];
% Create a antenna array with dipole elements
dipoleArray = conformalArray('Element', dipoleElement, 'ElementPosition', elementPositions');
% Display array structure
title('Vertically Stacked Dipole Antenna Array');
% Radiation pattern
pattern(dipoleArray, frequency, 'Type', 'directivity', 'CoordinateSystem', 'polar');
ax = gca;
margin = 0.1; % 10% top margin
ax.Position(4) = ax.Position(4) - margin;
title('Radiation Pattern');
Feel free to adjust the antenna parameters, such as dimensions and spacing, to meet your specific application or specifications.
For more information on using 'conformalArray', please refer to the following MATLAB Documentation


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