Monte Carlo repetitions with customized partitions
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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Tobias Rieker
am 1 Apr. 2024
Kommentiert: Harald
am 4 Apr. 2024
k = 5; %number of partitions
c = cvpartition(Labels{2},"KFold", k ,"Stratify",true);
test_idx = test(c,"all");
for ii = 1:5
%%%% Divide into train and test set via logical indexing (5columns = 5
%%%% partitions. Label 1 & 3 are always used for testing
testIndices(:,ii) = logical([ones(numel(Labels{1}),1); test_idx(:,ii); ones(numel(Labels{3}),1)]);
c = cvpartition("CustomPartition",testIndices);
I want to customize partitions for cross-validation, but with some of the samples to be tested for in each partition. Is there a way to do it?
I tried using cvpartition, but I can either customize the partitions and get the Error: "Each observation must be present in one test set."
Or I use monte carlo repetitions which allows for samples to be used more than once as testing set, but then I cant customize the sets anymore.
I'm thankful for any hint.
9 Kommentare
am 3 Apr. 2024
Duh... that makes sense. I suppose it will take some fiddling to address this.
I would try this strategy:
- To be able to determine which columns were chosen, add fake data 1:numColumns to on top of the x-values and some nonsense value that does not appear in your y-values on top of the y-values that you supply to sequentialfs.
- Identify which of the y-values passed to the function (either yTrain or yTest) contains the nonsense value. Extract the corresponding row of x-values from xTrain or xTest. This will tell you which columns were sent into the function.
- Extract the corresponding columns from SFS_xAlwaysIn and add it to the test data. Be sure to remove the fake data of the first step.
I expect this to be somewhat tricky and would be happy to try to help, but would really need some sample data for SFS_xtrain and SFS_ytrain to play with. Perhaps I should be able to infer this, but I am not even sure of the data type of SFS_ytrain.
Best wishes,
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 4 Apr. 2024
I have now tried the approach discussed in the comments with sample data based on fisheriris.mat.
%% Sample data
load fisheriris.mat
species = categorical(species);
% Shuffle data
order = randperm(length(species));
meas = meas(order,:);
species = species(order,:);
SFS_xtrain = meas(1:130,:);
SFS_ytrain = species(1:130);
SFS_xAlwaysIn = meas(131:end,:);
SFS_yAlwaysIn = species(131:end);
%% Add fake data
SFS_xtrain = [1:size(SFS_xtrain, 2); SFS_xtrain];
SFS_ytrain = ["nonsense"; SFS_ytrain];
%% Your code (for now without setting "nfeatures" and "options")
k = 5;
c = cvpartition(SFS_ytrain,"KFold", k ,"Stratify",true);
% opts = statset("UseParallel",true);
fun = @(XTrain,yTrain,XTest,yTest) callErrorFun(XTrain,yTrain, XTest, yTest, SFS_xAlwaysIn, SFS_yAlwaysIn);
[toKeep, ranking] = sequentialfs(fun,SFS_xtrain,SFS_ytrain,"cv",c);
%% A helper function
function err = callErrorFun(XTrain,yTrain, XTest, yTest, SFS_xAlwaysIn, SFS_yAlwaysIn)
if sum(yTrain == "nonsense") == 1
idx = yTrain == "nonsense";
columns = XTrain(idx, :);
XTrain(idx,:) = [];
yTrain(idx) = [];
elseif sum(yTest == "nonsense") == 1
idx = yTest == "nonsense";
columns = XTest(idx, :);
XTest(idx,:) = [];
yTest(idx) = [];
error("Something unexpected happened. Revisit the approach...")
XTrain = [XTrain; SFS_xAlwaysIn(:, columns)];
yTrain = [yTrain; SFS_yAlwaysIn];
err = errorFun(XTrain,yTrain,XTest,yTest);
%% Your function
function error = errorFun(XTrain,yTrain,XTest,yTest)
% Create the model with the learning method of your choice
classifier = fitcdiscr(XTrain,yTrain);
% Calculate the number of test observations misclassified
ypred = predict(classifier,XTest);
error = nnz(ypred ~= yTest);
I hope you'll find this to be helpful.
Best wishes,
2 Kommentare
am 4 Apr. 2024
Glad it's working for you! If you found the answer to be helpful, please consider "accept"-ing it.
Best wishes,
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