started using the text analytics toolbox, and successfully trained a bertDocmentClassifier network on my dataset.
In the past I've used the 'activations' function successfully to extract layer activations from dlNetworks.
However, for a bertDocmentClassifier, I cannot get the activations function to work, as it is not like e.g. image DL network objects - it has a tokenizer first.
So for example out=activations(bertTrained,textstring,layername) does not work
I tried to apply the tokenizer first, as in e.g.:
and that gives the token codes and segments fine in a,b.
But how do i "feed" those to the dlNetwork itself from the bertDocumentClassifer object?
This for example does NOT work:
and variations fail as well.
So to sum up - I have a trained BERT classifier object, I can use it to classify just fine, but I can't get the network's layer activations.