Convert series of analytical solutions to matrix vector format

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Hello, I have three analytical solutions solutions as a result of differientiating the same equation with respect to three different variables (C3, C4, and C5). I wish to convert the solutions in matrix vector format as followed:
I either wish to determine the constants Ai,j or directly convert my solutions to the matrix format. Thanks in advance!
syms x I E0 B l C3 C4 C5 F kt
V1 = int(1/2 * I * E0 * (1 + (B-1) * x/l) * (2*C3 + 6*C4*x + 12*C5*x^2)^2, x, 0, l);
V2 = int(1/2 * F * (2*C3*x + 3*C4*x^2 + 4*C5*x^3)^2, x, 0, l);
V3 = 1/2 * kt * (C3*l^2 + C4*l^3 + C5*l^4)^2;
V = V1 - V2 + V3;
dV1 = diff(V,C3)
dV1 = 
dV2 = diff(V,C4)
dV2 = 
dV3 = diff(V,C5)
dV3 = 

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 18 Mär. 2024
syms x I E0 B l C3 C4 C5 F kt
V1 = int(1/2 * I * E0 * (1 + (B-1) * x/l) * (2*C3 + 6*C4*x + 12*C5*x^2)^2, x, 0, l);
V2 = int(1/2 * F * (2*C3*x + 3*C4*x^2 + 4*C5*x^3)^2, x, 0, l);
V3 = 1/2 * kt * (C3*l^2 + C4*l^3 + C5*l^4)^2;
V = V1 - V2 + V3;
dV1 = diff(V,C3);
dV2 = diff(V,C4);
dV3 = diff(V,C5);
[A, b] = equationsToMatrix([dV1; dV2; dV3], [C3, C4, C5])
A = 
b = 

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