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lsqcurvefit answer upon termination?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Nicholas Ross
Nicholas Ross am 11 Mär. 2024
Kommentiert: Nicholas Ross am 12 Mär. 2024
I'm curious about what answer lsqcurvefit is giving me when it terminates. When the program ends due to reaching number of iterations, does the answer (x) come from the last iteration or does it return the best answer based on previous iterations? By best I mean lowest first order optimality measure, step size, function tolerance size, etc.
  2 Kommentare
Torsten am 11 Mär. 2024
x and fval come from the last iteration.
Nicholas Ross
Nicholas Ross am 11 Mär. 2024
@Torsten thanks for the response. Is there a way to change it to where it sets x and fval based on the lowest output of either first order optimality, step size, or function tolerance? For example if the 45th iteration showed the lowest stepsize, use the values at that iteration to set x

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Matt J
Matt J am 11 Mär. 2024
Bearbeitet: Matt J am 11 Mär. 2024
You can use a nested OutputFcn, like in this example,
to save the entire iteration history of x and resnorm values. You can then retrospectively pick the solution that you want from the whole iteration sequence.
You could also modify this example to save only the best-so-far x vector, rather than the whole history.
  5 Kommentare
Torsten am 11 Mär. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 11 Mär. 2024
The variable "resnorm" in the output from "lsqcurvefit" represents f(x).
Nicholas Ross
Nicholas Ross am 12 Mär. 2024
@Torsten thanks for this note. That actually cleared up another question I had.

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