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System Composer Interface Editor Generates "Failed to find element with UUID" when an interface is selected from its list.

17 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
When using the Interface editor embedded in the composition view, clicking on an interface or even just opening a library and using the buttons on the interface pane's control bar generates an error in the lower right hand of the interface editor that states "Failed to find element with UUID" followed by a UUID number. The exact same UUID numer is shown regardless of which interface in the interface editor is being selected. I seem to be able to assign the interfaces to ports and view them through the interface viewer, but I cannot use the "highlight port(s) using this interface".
  7 Kommentare
Josh Kahn
Josh Kahn am 2 Apr. 2024
@Brad Williams, do you have access to R2024a? If so, can you open the model in R2024a and see if the issue is resolved?

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