Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

114 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Caleb am 23 Feb. 2024
Beantwortet: Steven Lord am 29 Okt. 2024
Ive been working on a rock paper scissors game for a matlab class and have gotten up to this point with everything seeming to run fine. However, it doesnt seem to actually run the game. Any tips on what to change or add would be greatly appreciated.
function [weapon, user_weapon, comp_counter, user_counter, L] = RockPaperScissors_Patton_Feb21st()
prompt = 'choose a weapon: 1 = rock, 2 = paper,' + ...
" 3 = scissors \n";
user_input = input(prompt);
for j = user_input
if user_input == 1
user_weapon = "rock";
elseif user_input == 2
user_weapon = "paper";
elseif user_input == 3
user_weapon = "scissors";
fprintf("%s", user_weapon);
for i = 1:3
ran_num = randi(i);
if ran_num == 1
weapon = "rock";
elseif ran_num == 2
weapon = "paper";
elseif ran_num == 3
weapon = "scissors";
L = 0;
k = 0;
comp_counter = L;
user_counter = k;
while k <= 4 && L <= 4
if user_weapon == "rock" && weapon == "rock"
elseif user_weapon == "paper" && weapon == "paper"
elseif user_weapon == "scissors" && weapon == "scissors"
elseif user_weapon == "rock" && weapon == "paper"
L = L+1;
elseif user_weapon == "paper" && weapon == "rock"
k = k+1;
elseif user_weapon == "rock" && weapon == "scissors"
k = k+1;
elseif user_weapon == "scissors" && weapon == "rock"
L = L+1;
elseif user_weapon == "scissors" && weapon == "paper"
k = k+1;
elseif user_weapon == "paper" && weapon == "scissors"
L = L+1;
%comp_counter = L;
%user_counter = k;
  6 Kommentare
Jon am 23 Feb. 2024
One suggestion I have is that rather than using all of those if statements to decide who won, you could do that by computing a winner matrix W, where the W(i,j) tells you who won, user, computer or tie. The rows (i's) are the indices of the users choice, and the columns are the indices of the computer's choice.
So if we use indices 1,2,3 for rock, paper, scissor, and values 0,1,2 for tie, user and computer resp, then our winner matrix would be
% Winner matrix,
% rows correspond to user choice 1 = rock,2 = paper,3 = scissor
% columns correspond to computer's choice 1 = rock, 2 = paper, 3 = scissor
% W(i,j) = 0 Tie, W(i,j) = 1, User wins, W(i,j) = 2, Computer wins
W = [
0 2 1
1 0 2
2 1 0]
W = 3×3
0 2 1 1 0 2 2 1 0
% So for example if the user picks rock, and computer picks scissors, find
% out who won at row 1, column 3, W(1,3) = 1, so user wins
ans = 1
% User picks paper, computer picks scissors,computer wins
ans = 2
You can then use this to decide the winner of each match and proceed with the rest of your logic for counting up wins etc.
Caleb am 29 Feb. 2024
Yea I went back and reworked the code and realized how much of a cluster it was. Thanks for yall suggestions and points on where I could improve.

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Antworten (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord am 29 Okt. 2024
You could, instead of making a matrix of results, make a table.
possibilities = ["rock", "scissors", "paper"];
results = array2table(repmat("tie", 3, 3), RowNames = possibilities, VariableNames = possibilities);
results{"rock", "scissors"} = "rock";
results{"rock", "paper"} = "paper";
results{"scissors", "rock"} = "rock";
results{"scissors", "paper"} = "scissors";
results{"paper", "rock"} = "paper";
results{"paper", "scissors"} = "scissors";
Now you can ask results using the names.
for player1 = possibilities
for player2 = possibilities
fprintf("If player 1 selects %s and player 2 selects %s, the result is %s.\n", ...
player1, player2, results{player1, player2})
If player 1 selects rock and player 2 selects rock, the result is tie. If player 1 selects rock and player 2 selects scissors, the result is rock. If player 1 selects rock and player 2 selects paper, the result is paper. If player 1 selects scissors and player 2 selects rock, the result is rock. If player 1 selects scissors and player 2 selects scissors, the result is tie. If player 1 selects scissors and player 2 selects paper, the result is scissors. If player 1 selects paper and player 2 selects rock, the result is paper. If player 1 selects paper and player 2 selects scissors, the result is scissors. If player 1 selects paper and player 2 selects paper, the result is tie.
Instead of populating results with words you could make it indicate which player won (or 0 for a tie.)


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