assume can't constrain vpasolve

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Faraz j
Faraz j am 4 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 6 Feb. 2024
I am attempting to solve a system of nonlinear equations, but unfortunately, vpasolve find answer outside the range I specified and also ignores the constrain condition using "assume".
Here is my code:
% ------------ Parameters --------------------
M = 2;
N = 4;
a = 22.3702/25.4;
beta_10 = 3.41;
k0 = 4.9348;
K2 = 493.2753;
V = [0.7509 1.0000 1.0000 0.7509];
Zb = [-13.0203-6.9290i -19.0747-10.8648i -38.1365-9.9235i -46.2847-14.8522i];
X = [0.1672 -0.2434 0.1502 -0.0871 ; 0.0871 -0.1502 0.2434 -0.1672];
% ------------ Required Functions --------------------
syms g(x) h1(y) h2(y) v(x)
g(x) = 1.177.*sin((pi.*x)./a).^2;
h1(y) = 1-275.*(y-1).^2;
h2(y) = -14.*(y-1);
h(y) = h1(y) + 1i*h2(y);
v(x) = 1.517+1.833.*x.^2;
% ------------ Equation Functions --------------------
x = sym('x',[M N]);
y = sym('y',[M N]);
E1 = []; E2 = []; E3 = []; eq3 = 0; eq4 = 0;
j = 1;
for i = 1:N
Fn = ((cos((beta_10/k0)*y(j,i)*v(x(j,i)))-cos(y(j,i)*v(x(j,i))))/sin(y(j,i)*v(x(j,i))))*(sin(pi*x(j,i))/a);
Ya_G0 = (K2*Fn^2) / (((K2*Fn^2)/(g(x(j,i))*h(y(j,i))))+(Zb(j,i)));
E1 = [E1; imag((K2*Fn^2)/(g(x(j,i))*h(y(j,i)))) == -1*imag(Zb(j,i))];
if i==1 && j==1
Fn_1 = Fn;
Ya_G0_1 = Ya_G0;
if mod(i-1,2) == 1
sign = -1;
sign = +1;
E2 = [E2; (Ya_G0/(Fn)) == (-1)^(j-1)*sign * abs(V(j,i)/V(1,1)) * (sin(y(j,i)*v(x(j,i)))/(sin(y(1,1)*v(x(1,1))))) * (Ya_G0_1/(Fn_1)) ];
eq3 = eq3 + Ya_G0;
E3 = [E3; eq3 == 2];
E = [E1.',E2.',E3.'];
assume(x,"real"); assumeAlso(x<0.48*a);
assume(y,"positive"); assumeAlso(y,"real");
X_T = X.';
X_trial = X_T(:).';
sol_initial = [X_trial(1:M*N/2),ones(1,M*N/2)];
% sol_range = [all_x_range(1:M*N/2,:);repmat([0.96 1.04],M*N/2,1)];
% sol_initial = sol_range;
x_T = x.'; x_unknown_vector = x_T(:).';
y_T = y.'; y_unknown_vector = y_T(:).';
unknown = [x_unknown_vector(1:M*N/2),y_unknown_vector(1:M*N/2)];
S = vpasolve(E,unknown,sol_initial);
MyFieldNames = fieldnames(S);
MyValuesX = zeros(1,M*N/2); MyValuesY = zeros(1,M*N/2);
for i=1:M*N/2
MyValuesX(1,i) = getfield(S,MyFieldNames{i});
MyValuesY(1,i) = getfield(S,MyFieldNames{i+N/2});
ans = 1×4
0.1500 -0.0870 1.0050 1.0070
I also used the range for "vpasolver" as commented "sol_range" in the above code, but I didn't get the desired result either.
The solution to "y" should be a number around 1.
Thanks for your help in advance.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Torsten am 4 Feb. 2024
Verschoben: Torsten am 4 Feb. 2024
vpasolve is a numerical solver - symbolic commands like "assume" are not respected. But you can set ranges for the variables in "vpasolve" by setting "init_param" to a numerical search interval.
  6 Kommentare
Faraz j
Faraz j am 6 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Faraz j am 6 Feb. 2024
Thanks a lot ! you're life saver
One more issue @Torsten! for different M and N, how can I modify this
Enum = @(z)real(Enum(z(1),z(2),z(3),z(4),z(5),z(6),z(7),z(8)));
Torsten am 6 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 6 Feb. 2024
Enum = matlabFunction(E,'Vars',{[x(1,1:N),y(1,1:N)]})
Enum = @(z)real(Enum(z.'));
instead of
Enum = matlabFunction(E);
Enum = @(z)real(Enum(z(1),z(2),z(3),z(4),z(5),z(6),z(7),z(8)));
This is at least correct for the equations you solved above since j was not increased and remained 1 (so I don't know why you created x and y as x(M,N) and y(M,N) and not as x(1,N) and y(1,N))

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Weitere Antworten (1)

Matt J
Matt J am 4 Feb. 2024
Bearbeitet: Matt J am 4 Feb. 2024
There doesn't appear to be any good reason for you to be using sym variables. Your code doesn't seem to make use of any other Symbolic Math Toolbox functions like diff or simplify.... Just re-implement using non-symbolic variables and solve with lsqnonlin which does allow you to impose bounds on the variables. Or, use matlabFunction to convert your symbolic functions into nonsymbolic ones.
  3 Kommentare
Matt J
Matt J am 5 Feb. 2024
what am I doing wrong?
Who knows? You haven't shown copy/pastes of the errors.
Faraz j
Faraz j am 6 Feb. 2024
Thanks for your advice, @Torsten solved the issue !

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