Error in 'StepperMotor_fout/PWM Generator/Carrier counter': Failed to evaluate mask initialization commands. Caused by: Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operator

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I'm building a closed loop PID controlled stepper motor for speed control in simulink. While execution the following error shows up.
"Error in 'StepperMotor_fout/PWM Generator/Carrier counter': Failed to evaluate mask initialization commands.
Caused by:
Operands to the logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. Use the ANY or ALL functions to reduce operands to logical scalar values."
Kindly give ur comments.
  2 Kommentare
madhan ravi
madhan ravi am 5 Jan. 2024
Bearbeitet: madhan ravi am 5 Jan. 2024
Without seeing your code nor the model, it’s hard to do any black magic
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 5 Jan. 2024
Most likely, something that is being used in mask initialization is empty instead of being a scalar.

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Antworten (1)

Sabin am 23 Jan. 2024
The error message indicates that there is an issue with the mask initialization commands for this block, specifically involving the use of logical AND (&&) or OR (||) operators. The error suggests that the operands used with these logical operators are not scalar values, which is required for these operations.

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