I can't generate report from codeProver results in polyspace-access

13 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Jordi Pegueroles
Jordi Pegueroles am 22 Nov. 2023
Beantwortet: akshatsood am 2 Dez. 2023
I'm using Polyspace version R2022b.
I'm executing this command in the windows command line:
polyspace-report-generator -login XXXX -encrypted-password ???????????????????????? -host polyspaceaccess.company.com -template Quality.rpt -run-id 5005 -format HTML -protocol http -output-name CDDyyy_NAME_CodeProver_StaticAnalysisReport.html
with output:
Polyspace Report Generator
Loading results
Error using matlab.internal.webservices.HTTPConnector/copyContentToByteArray
The server returned the status 500 with message "Server Error" in response to the request to URL http://localhost:9352/polyspace/api/R2022b/connector/report/sqo.
Error in readContentFromWebService (line 46)
Error in webwrite (line 139)
Error in polyspace.connector.Query
Error in PolySpaceResult/Query
Error in CStudioData/getSQOData
Error in CStudioData
Error in PolySpaceResult/CreateResultsObjects
Error in PolySpaceResult/Initialise
Error in PolySpaceResult
Error in PolySpaceResultInterface
Error in polyspace_report_internal
Error in psrptgenprivate
Error in polyspace_report (line 7)
The Run ID 5005 correspond to CodeProver results in out polyspace-access server.
If I execute a similar command for a run ID corresponding to bugFinder, I have no problems, and the report is correctly generated.

Antworten (1)

akshatsood am 2 Dez. 2023
I understand that you are experiencing challenges generating a report from CodeProver results in Polyspace Access. One potential reason for this issue could be related to the connector. I highly recommend following the procedure outlined in the attached page to test the connector and to debug any potential issues.
If this solution does not work for you, please ensure that the binary executable file "polyspace-internal-connector.exe" is present in the Polyspace Installation Folder. For further clarification, refer to the following resource.
I hope this helps.




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