How to draw a rectangle around the area that shows an energy variation
10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Ricardo Duarte
am 10 Okt. 2023
Kommentiert: Mathieu NOE
am 12 Okt. 2023
Hello all,
I have several wav files and I want to draw a rectangle around the area here a specific energy variation happend. Let's say, since the beggining til the end (in seconds)
In fact is something similar than the image attached
Thanks in advance for your help.
3 Kommentare
Dyuman Joshi
am 10 Okt. 2023
Bearbeitet: Dyuman Joshi
am 10 Okt. 2023
Please attach the code and the data you are working with. Use the paperclip button to attach.
Also, specify the region around which you need to draw a rectangle.
Akzeptierte Antwort
Star Strider
am 10 Okt. 2023
It would help to have your data.
Fs = 500;
L = 300;
t = linspace(0, L*Fs, L*Fs+1)/Fs;
signal = sum(sin((100:50:200).'*2*pi*t) .* exp(-(t-150).^2*1E-3));
plot(t, signal)
xlabel('Time (s)')
[s,f,t,p] = spectrogram(signal,[],[],[],Fs); % Return Extra Outputs
[h,c] = contour3(f,t,p.', 20); % Get Contours
Lvls = c.LevelList
ChooseLevel = 1;
idx = find(h(1,:) == Lvls(ChooseLevel));
for k = 1:numel(idx) % Get Contour (x,y) Coordinates
clen = h(2,idx(k));
x{k} = h(1,idx(k)+1:idx(k)+clen);
y{k} = h(2,idx(k)+1:idx(k)+clen);
[xmax,xmin] = bounds(cat(2,x{:})) % Extreme Values
[ymax,ymin] = bounds(cat(2,y{:})) % Extreme Values
% spectrogram(signal,[],[],[],Fs)
surf(f,t,mag2db(p.'), 'EdgeColor','interp')
hold on
plot3([1 1]*xmin, [ymin ymax], [1 1]*Lvls(ChooseLevel), '-k', 'LineWidth',2)
plot3([xmin xmax], [1 1]*ymin, [1 1]*Lvls(ChooseLevel), '-k', 'LineWidth',2)
plot3([xmin xmax], [1 1]*ymax, [1 1]*Lvls(ChooseLevel), '-k', 'LineWidth',2)
plot3([1 1]*xmax, [ymin ymax], [1 1]*Lvls(ChooseLevel), '-k', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off
4 Kommentare
Weitere Antworten (2)
Mathieu NOE
am 10 Okt. 2023
try this
IMO, the rectangle position is to be computed from your spectrogram results (define thresholds)
Fs = 1e3;
t=0:1/Fs:5; % 5 secs @ 1kHz sample rate
y=chirp(t,10,3,100,'q'); % Start @ 10Hz, cross 100Hz at t=3sec
% amplitude is increasing with time
y = y.*t./t(end);
[S,F,T] = spectrogram(y,hanning(128),64,128,Fs);
caxis([-50 30]);
title('Quadratic Chirp: start at 100Hz and cross 200Hz at t=1sec');
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
% rectangle
fmin = 100;
fmax = 200;
tmin = T(end)/2;
tmax = T(end)*0.99;
rectangle('Position',[tmin fmin (tmax-tmin) (fmax-fmin)],'Curvature',0.25*[1 1],'Linewidth',3)
3 Kommentare
Mathieu NOE
am 10 Okt. 2023
hello Ricardo
yes of course I suspected drawing the rectangle is not the issue here :)
here my new suggestion : assuming we can find the peak value of S , you can define a threshold (here 30 dB below the peak value (in dB)) so the rectangle is automatically drawn
you can change this threshold value in this line :
threshold = S_dB_max - 30; % define here threshold you want to draw the rectangle : here 30 dB below the peak amplitude (= S_dB_max)
full code
Fs = 1e3;
t=0:1/Fs:5; % 5 secs @ 1kHz sample rate
y=chirp(t,10,3,100,'q'); % Start @ 10Hz, cross 100Hz at t=3sec
% amplitude is changing with time
window = exp(-(t-3.5).^2/0.75); % gaussian window
y = y.*window;
[S,F,T] = spectrogram(y,hanning(128),64,128,Fs);
S_dB = 20*log10(abs(S));
S_dB_max = max(S_dB,[],'all');
threshold = S_dB_max - 30; % define here threshold you want to draw the rectangle : here 30 dB below the peak amplitude (= S_dB_max)
ind = S_dB>=threshold;
caxis([-60 30]);
title('Quadratic Chirp');
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Frequency (Hz)')
% rectangle
indF = any(ind,2); % indices for F vector
indT = any(ind,1); % indices for T vector
fmin = min(F(indF),[],'all');
fmax = max(F(indF),[],'all');
tmin = min(T(indT),[],'all');
tmax = max(T(indT),[],'all');
rectangle('Position',[tmin fmin (tmax-tmin) (fmax-fmin)],'Curvature',0.25*[1 1],'Linewidth',3)
Florian Bidaud
am 10 Okt. 2023
Bearbeitet: Florian Bidaud
am 10 Okt. 2023
Since you said your issue was both finding the variation and drawing the rectangle.
To find the variations, I would suggest using diff, and set a trigger value from which you decide this variation is interesting (that could be with a percentage from the others for example). This part, you need to think a bit about what variation is interesting.
Let's take the following example :
z = [1 3 5 6 11
1 3 6 5 8
1 2 3 9 7
1 1 2 3 6
1 1 1 2 4
zp = diff(z)
Here, if you set a limit of variation to 2, you can, for example find the x and y coordinate of your limits:
var_lim = 2;
x = find(sum(diff(z)<-var_lim),1)
y = max(size(z))-find(sum(diff(z')>var_lim),1)
Then from these, you can draw the rectangle as follows :
(in my case I chose 1 and 5 as I deal with indexes from 1 to 5, but this should be replace by your own limits on the plot)
f = figure;
hold on
s = surf(z);
p = plot([x 5 5 x x],[1 1 y y 1]);
p.ZData = [50 50 50 50 50]; %to put it on top
p.Color = 'black';
p.LineWidth = 3;
f.Children.View = [0 90];
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