Can not use gamma function in an external function
6 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Geovane Gomes
am 20 Sep. 2023
Kommentiert: Geovane Gomes
am 20 Sep. 2023
I am trying to generate some random numbers with a specific distribution, but to calculate the parameters of this distribution I have to use the gamma function.
It works well when I use it in the same file, for example in live script, but from an external function does not work (see error below).
mu = 0.15;
sigma = 0.03;
N = 1e3;
x0 = [2.001,1.0e3];
fun = @(x) sqrt(gamma(1-2/x)-(gamma(1-1/x)).^2)./gamma(1-1/x)-sigma/mu;
par2 = fzero(fun,x0);
par1 = mu/gamma(1-1/par2);
randomNumbers = gevrnd(1/par2,par1/par2,par1,N,1);
% checking
mu = mean(randomNumbers)
sigma = std(randomNumbers)
Now trying to use it in an external function, I got the error 'Unrecognized function or variable 'gamma'.

Can someone explain why this happens?
2 Kommentare
Dyuman Joshi
am 20 Sep. 2023
"Now trying to use it in an external function, I got the error 'Unrecognized function or variable 'gamma'."
What is the external function? How are you calling it?
Akzeptierte Antwort
Dyuman Joshi
am 20 Sep. 2023
Bearbeitet: Dyuman Joshi
am 20 Sep. 2023
Using function names as variable names is not a good idea - in your case gamma.
I have changed the names to gamma0 and added a random value for N in the frechet case (as it was not defined), and the code runs without an errror.
obj.means = 0.15;
obj.standardDeviations = 0.03;
obj.distributions = "Frechet";
obj.nSimulations = 2e4;
randomNumbers = generaterandomnumbers(obj)
function randomNumbers = generaterandomnumbers(obj)
nVariables = length(obj.means);
% Pre-allocate memory for the random numbers
randomNumbers = zeros(obj.nSimulations, nVariables);
for i = 1:nVariables
switch lower(obj.distributions{i})
case 'normal'
randomNumbers(:,i) = normrnd(obj.means(i), ...
obj.standardDeviations(i), obj.nSimulations, 1);
case 'binomial'
randomNumbers(:,i) = binornd(obj.means(i), ...
obj.standardDeviations(i), obj.nSimulations, 1);
case 'lognormal'
mu = log((obj.means(i) ^ 2) / ...
sqrt(obj.standardDeviations(i) ^ 2 + obj.means(i) ^ 2));
sigma = sqrt(log(obj.standardDeviations(i) ^ 2 / ...
(obj.means(i) ^ 2) + 1));
randomNumbers(:,i) = lognrnd(mu, sigma, obj.nSimulations, 1);
case {'gumbel', 'extreme type 1'}
%% Name changed
gamma0 = 0.577216;
sigmaHat = sqrt(6) * obj.standardDeviations(i) / pi;
muHat = obj.means(i) - gamma0 * sigmaHat;
pd = makedist('GeneralizedExtremeValue', 'k', 0, ...
'sigma', sigmaHat, 'mu', muHat);
randomNumbers(:,i) = random(pd, obj.nSimulations, 1);
case {'gumbel min', 'extreme type 1 min'}
%% Name changed
gamma0 = 0.577216;
sigmaHat = sqrt(6) * obj.standardDeviations(i) / pi;
muHat = obj.means(i) + gamma0 / sigmaHat;
randomNumbers(:,i) = evrnd(muHat, sigmaHat, ...
obj.nSimulations, 1);
case 'frechet'
x0 = [2.001,1.0e3];
mu = obj.means(i);
sigma = obj.standardDeviations(i);
fun = @(x) sqrt(gamma(1-2/x)-(gamma(1-1/x)).^2)./gamma(1-1/x)-sigma/mu;
par2 = fzero(fun,x0);
par1 = mu/gamma(1-1/par2);
%% Value added
randomNumbers = gevrnd(1/par2,par1/par2,par1,N,1);
error('Invalid distribution: %s', obj.distributions{i});
2 Kommentare
Dyuman Joshi
am 20 Sep. 2023
Though, variables defined within a case are not accessible to another case and MATLAB executes only one case of any switch statement.
So for the input you have provided, only the 2nd last case is executed and gamma is not over-writed. But the error still occurs. Hmmm.
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