can you give the code for spline based waypoint navigation for drones or any uavs

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
close all;
% Define the spine waypoints as a set of (x, y) coordinates
waypoints = [
1, 1;
2, 3;
4, 4;
6, 2;
3, 0;
1, 1;
% Initialize the robot's current position
currentPosition = [1, 1];
% Define a tolerance radius for reaching waypoints
toleranceRadius = 0.01;
% Create a figure for plotting the robot's movement
hold on;
title('Spine-Based Waypoint Navigation');
axis([0 8 -2 5]);
grid on;
% Plot the spine waypoints
plot(waypoints(:, 1), waypoints(:, 2), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
X = [1 2 4 6 4.5 3 1];
Y = [1 3 4 2 -0.5 0 1];
% Interpolate waypoints using splines
numWaypoints = size(waypoints, 1) * 10; % Increase for smoother path
splineX = spline(1:size(waypoints, 1), waypoints(:, 1), linspace(1, size(waypoints, 1), numWaypoints));
splineY = spline(1:size(waypoints, 1), waypoints(:, 2), linspace(1, size(waypoints, 1), numWaypoints));
% Loop through each interpolated waypoint
for i = 1:numWaypoints
waypoint = [splineX(i), splineY(i)];
% Display the current waypoint
fprintf('Navigating to waypoint (%.2f, %.2f)...\n', waypoint(1), waypoint(2));
% Perform waypoint navigation
while norm(currentPosition - waypoint) > toleranceRadius
% Calculate the desired heading (angle) towards the waypoint
desiredHeading = atan2(waypoint(2) - currentPosition(2), waypoint(1) - currentPosition(1));
% Implement control to move the robot towards the desired heading
% Here, you can use any control algorithm or robot-specific commands
% For example, you can simulate a simple update of the robot's position
stepSize = 0.02; % Adjust this value based on your robot's speed
currentPosition = currentPosition + stepSize * [cos(desiredHeading), sin(desiredHeading)];
%Plot Spline Path Line
% Update the robot's position on the plot
plot(currentPosition(1), currentPosition(2), 'bo', 'MarkerSize', 5, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'b');
% Add a delay to simulate real-time movement (adjust as needed)
%legend('Waypoints','Normal Path','Spline Based Path','Navigation')
% Display a message when the waypoint is reached
fprintf('Waypoint (%.2f, %.2f) reached!\n', waypoint(1), waypoint(2));
Navigating to waypoint (1.00, 1.00)...
Waypoint (1.00, 1.00) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.05, 1.14)...
Waypoint (1.05, 1.14) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.11, 1.29)...
Waypoint (1.11, 1.29) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.18, 1.45)...
Waypoint (1.18, 1.45) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.25, 1.62)...
Waypoint (1.25, 1.62) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.33, 1.80)...
Waypoint (1.33, 1.80) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.41, 1.98)...
Waypoint (1.41, 1.98) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.50, 2.17)...
Waypoint (1.50, 2.17) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.60, 2.36)...
Waypoint (1.60, 2.36) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.71, 2.55)...
Waypoint (1.71, 2.55) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.82, 2.73)...
Waypoint (1.82, 2.73) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.94, 2.91)...
Waypoint (1.94, 2.91) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.06, 3.09)...
Waypoint (2.06, 3.09) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.20, 3.25)...
Waypoint (2.20, 3.25) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.34, 3.41)...
Waypoint (2.34, 3.41) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.49, 3.55)...
Waypoint (2.49, 3.55) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.65, 3.68)...
Waypoint (2.65, 3.68) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.82, 3.79)...
Waypoint (2.82, 3.79) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.99, 3.88)...
Waypoint (2.99, 3.88) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.18, 3.95)...
Waypoint (3.18, 3.95) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.37, 4.00)...
Waypoint (3.37, 4.00) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.57, 4.03)...
Waypoint (3.57, 4.03) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.78, 4.03)...
Waypoint (3.78, 4.03) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.00, 4.00)...
Waypoint (4.00, 4.00) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.23, 3.94)...
Waypoint (4.23, 3.94) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.46, 3.85)...
Waypoint (4.46, 3.85) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.69, 3.74)...
Waypoint (4.69, 3.74) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.92, 3.60)...
Waypoint (4.92, 3.60) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.14, 3.44)...
Waypoint (5.14, 3.44) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.34, 3.26)...
Waypoint (5.34, 3.26) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.53, 3.06)...
Waypoint (5.53, 3.06) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.69, 2.85)...
Waypoint (5.69, 2.85) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.82, 2.62)...
Waypoint (5.82, 2.62) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.92, 2.38)...
Waypoint (5.92, 2.38) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.98, 2.13)...
Waypoint (5.98, 2.13) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (6.00, 1.87)...
Waypoint (6.00, 1.87) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.98, 1.61)...
Waypoint (5.98, 1.61) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.92, 1.34)...
Waypoint (5.92, 1.34) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.83, 1.08)...
Waypoint (5.83, 1.08) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.70, 0.82)...
Waypoint (5.70, 0.82) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.56, 0.58)...
Waypoint (5.56, 0.58) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.40, 0.34)...
Waypoint (5.40, 0.34) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.22, 0.13)...
Waypoint (5.22, 0.13) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (5.04, -0.07)...
Waypoint (5.04, -0.07) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.86, -0.24)...
Waypoint (4.86, -0.24) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.68, -0.39)...
Waypoint (4.68, -0.39) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.50, -0.50)...
Waypoint (4.50, -0.50) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.34, -0.58)...
Waypoint (4.34, -0.58) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.18, -0.63)...
Waypoint (4.18, -0.63) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (4.04, -0.65)...
Waypoint (4.04, -0.65) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.90, -0.64)...
Waypoint (3.90, -0.64) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.77, -0.61)...
Waypoint (3.77, -0.61) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.65, -0.55)...
Waypoint (3.65, -0.55) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.53, -0.48)...
Waypoint (3.53, -0.48) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.41, -0.39)...
Waypoint (3.41, -0.39) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.30, -0.29)...
Waypoint (3.30, -0.29) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.18, -0.18)...
Waypoint (3.18, -0.18) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (3.06, -0.06)...
Waypoint (3.06, -0.06) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.94, 0.06)...
Waypoint (2.94, 0.06) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.81, 0.19)...
Waypoint (2.81, 0.19) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.68, 0.32)...
Waypoint (2.68, 0.32) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.54, 0.44)...
Waypoint (2.54, 0.44) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.39, 0.56)...
Waypoint (2.39, 0.56) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.24, 0.67)...
Waypoint (2.24, 0.67) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (2.07, 0.77)...
Waypoint (2.07, 0.77) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.88, 0.85)...
Waypoint (1.88, 0.85) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.69, 0.92)...
Waypoint (1.69, 0.92) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.48, 0.97)...
Waypoint (1.48, 0.97) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.25, 1.00)...
Waypoint (1.25, 1.00) reached!
Navigating to waypoint (1.00, 1.00)...
Waypoint (1.00, 1.00) reached!
% Display a completion message when all waypoints are reached
fprintf('Navigation complete!\n');
Navigation complete!
% Remove hold on the plot to allow further interaction
hold off;
this is the code the spline which is generated is not what I wanted the spline has to follow the trajectory of a polygon and whenever the the waypoint occur then it has to pass around the waypoint in a spline and then continue to follow the track of the polygon how to do this

Antworten (1)

UDAYA PEDDIRAJU am 15 Jan. 2024
Bearbeitet: UDAYA PEDDIRAJU am 15 Jan. 2024
Hi Bhagya,
I understand that you want the spline to follow the trajectory of a polygon and pass around the waypoints. The code you provided uses a simple spline interpolation which doesn’t consider the polygon trajectory. To achieve this, you can try modifying the way point generation and spline interpolation process. Here’s a rough idea on how you can approach this:
1) Polygon Trajectory: Define your polygon trajectory. This could be a set of points that define the vertices of the polygon.
2) Waypoint Generation: Generate waypoints along this polygon trajectory. One way to do this is to interpolate points along the edges of the polygon.
3) Spline Interpolation: Now, instead of directly interpolating between your waypoints, you would interpolate between these points along the polygon edges. This will ensure that your spline follows the polygon trajectory.
4) Waypoint Navigation: When navigating, if your current waypoint is close enough (within some defined tolerance), you move on to the next waypoint.
Try running this sample code to get more idea:
close all;
% Define the polygon vertices as a set of (x, y) coordinates
polygonVertices = [
1, 1;
2, 3;
4, 4;
6, 2;
3, 0;
1, 1;
% Generate waypoints along the polygon edges
numWaypoints = size(polygonVertices, 1) * 10; % Increase for smoother path
waypoints = interp1(1:size(polygonVertices, 1), polygonVertices, linspace(1, size(polygonVertices, 1), numWaypoints), 'linear');
% Initialize the robot's current position
currentPosition = waypoints(1, :);
% Define a tolerance radius for reaching waypoints
toleranceRadius = 0.01;
% Create a figure for plotting the robot's movement
hold on;
title('Polygon-Based Waypoint Navigation');
axis([0 8 -2 5]);
grid on;
% Plot the polygon vertices
plot(polygonVertices(:, 1), polygonVertices(:, 2), 'ro', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r');
% Loop through each waypoint
for i = 1:numWaypoints
waypoint = waypoints(i, :);
% Display the current waypoint
fprintf('Navigating to waypoint (%.2f, %.2f)...\n', waypoint(1), waypoint(2));
% Perform waypoint navigation
while norm(currentPosition - waypoint) > toleranceRadius
% Calculate the desired heading (angle) towards the waypoint
desiredHeading = atan2(waypoint(2) - currentPosition(2), waypoint(1) - currentPosition(1));
% Implement control to move the robot towards the desired heading
stepSize = 0.02; % Adjust this value based on your robot's speed
currentPosition = currentPosition + stepSize * [cos(desiredHeading), sin(desiredHeading)];
% Update the robot's position on the plot
plot(currentPosition(1), currentPosition(2), 'bo', 'MarkerSize', 5, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'b');
% Add a delay to simulate real-time movement (adjust as needed)
% Display a message when the waypoint is reached
fprintf('Waypoint (%.2f, %.2f) reached!\n', waypoint(1), waypoint(2));
fprintf('Navigation complete!\n');
% Remove hold on the plot to allow further interaction
hold off;
Hope this helps!


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