I have the Simulink PLC Coder License and I have a problem with simulink parameters in the Model Workspace. The Code Generation tab is missing!
I have access to the Code Generation tab only if the parameter is in the Base Workspace!? See attchment, where I have created a Simulink.Parameter in the Base- and copied it to the Model Workspace. As you can see, the Code Generation tab disappears.
Do I need some additional license just to have access to that tab in the model workspace? I thought that the rather expensive PLC Coder would be able to do that?
I have tried to re-install matlab, both update 4 and 5..
List of my product licenses:
Control System Toolbox
Curve Fitting Toolbox
Industrial Communication Toolbox
Parallel Computing Toolbox
Simscape Electrical
Simulink Control Design
Simulink PLC Coder
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
System Identification Toolbox