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Why do I get NaN error for rho(i,n+1) and v(i,n+1) ?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Kommentiert: Torsten am 28 Aug. 2023
%% The current code assumes that the nozzles are only present at the first control volume (inlet) and the last control volume (outlet).
%% Section 1: PARAMETERS
L = 400; % Length of the hose (m)
N = 100; % Number of control volumes
% Operation and Design Properties
Qfad =4.31; % Air flow rate in m^3/s ; Q= 259 m^3/min = 4.31
D_sup = 104e-3; % Diameter of supply hose & riser in meters
D_nozzle= 2e-3; % Diameter of nozzle
s=0.3; % Nozzle spacing
C_d= 0.55; % Nozzle discharge coefficient
P_FAD = 101325; % Pressure
T_FAD = 293.15; % Temperature in Kelvin
h = 30; % Water depth in meters
Rho_w = 1025; % Density of water in kg/m^3
g = 9.81; % Gravity acceleration in m/s^2
P_atm = 1.013e5; % Atmospheric pressure in Pa
T_inlet = 291.15; % Air temperature in Celsius
R = 287; % Specific gas constant in J/(kg·K)
mu = 18e-6; % Dynamic viscosity of air in Pa·s
T_FAD_ref = 20; % Reference temperature at FAD condition in Celsius
P_FAD_ref = 1.013e5; % Reference pressure at FAD condition in Pa
P_Fed= 1*10^6; % Bar to Pascals
theta = pi; %Angle of the hose with respect to the horizontal (radians)
A_hose = pi * (D_sup/2)^2;% Area of the hose (m^2)
A_nozzle= pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2;% Area of the nozzle (m^2)
CFL_max = 0.5; % Define maximum allowable CFL number
A_total= A_hose+A_nozzle;
%spatial discretization to account for the presence of nozzles in the system.
num_nozzles = floor(L / s); % Calculate the total number of nozzles
%The floor function rounds down the result to the nearest integer
total_control_volumes = N + num_nozzles; % Total number of control volumes including nozzles
% Updating Control Volume Boundaries:
x = linspace(0, L, total_control_volumes + 1); % Update the array of control volume boundaries
%0 is the starting point of the control volume boundaries.
%L is the total length of the hose.
%total_control_volumes + 1 specifies the number of equally spaced points (boundaries) to generate between 0 and L, considering the total number of control volumes (including nozzles).
%The result of this line is an array x that contains the positions of the control volume boundaries, including those of the hose and the nozzles.
%Recalculating Control Volume Lengths:
delta_x = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
%x(2:end) extracts the positions of the right boundaries of each control volume (including nozzles).
%x(1:end-1) extracts the positions of the left boundaries of each control volume (including nozzles).
%Subtracting these two arrays element-wise gives you the lengths of each control volume (including nozzles).
%The result of this line is an array delta_x that contains the lengths of each control volume,considering both the hose and the nozzles.
% Number of time steps
Nt = 10000;
% Time step size
dt = 0.01; % Example time step size (you can adjust it based on stability requirements)
% Initialize arrays to store the variables at each grid point and time step
%By initializing these arrays with zeros,
% we create placeholders for the future values of the variables during the simulation
rho = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
v = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
T = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
P = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
m_in=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
m_out=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
v_in =zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
v_out=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
m_n= zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt);
% Time array
time = linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1); % linspace(start, end, N);Nt*dt=total time duration of the simulation.
% This time array allows us to track the simulation's progress over each time step
%These initial conditions are used as starting values for the simulation.
% initial values remain constant throughout the simulation,no need to recompute them in each time step.
rho_initial = 1.225 ; % Initial density (kg/m^3) (rho= P/R*T)=(1.013e5/287* 293.15)=1.225
P_initial = 1.013e5; % Initial pressure (Pa)
T_inital= 293.15; % Initial Temperature(K)
v_in_initial=(Qfad / A_total); %velocity of sysytem( Hose + Nozzle)
v_out_initial= (Qfad / (C_d * pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2));
m_initial=rho_initial * A_total*v_in_initial;
m_out_initial= rho_initial * (A_nozzle / A_total) * v_out_initial;
m_n_initial = rho_initial* (A_nozzle / A_total) * (v_out_initial-v_in_initial);
% Set initial conditions for each variable at each grid point
% array(row_index, column_index)
rho(:, 1) = rho_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
% So, rho(:, 1) means all rows (all control volumes) of the first column (first time step) in the rho matrix.
P(:, 1) = P_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
T(:, 1) =T_inital * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v(:,1)=v_in_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v_in(:,1)=v_in_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v_out(:,1)=v_out_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_in(:,1)=m_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_out(:,1)=v_out_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_n(:,1)=m_n_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
% Print the value of v_in(1, 1) before it's updated in the loop
%The main reasons for solving the time and space dependent parts together are
% related to the interdependence of the variables and the overall accuracy and stability of the solution
for n = 1:Nt %Loop for Time Steps [iterates from the first time step to last time step]
% This outer loop iterates over time steps.
% Within each time step, you update the variables (density, velocity, and pressure) based on the discretized continuity and momentum equations.
% We have included the necessary calculations and updates to account for variations across the control volumes along the length of the hose.
% Inlet Boundary Conditions
P(1, n+1) = 1.33e6; % P_inlet = P_feed + P_hydrostatic9 (Rho_w * g * h)
v_in(1, n+1) = (Qfad / ( pi * (D_sup/2)^2)); % Inlet velocity through compressor
v_out(1, n+1) = (Qfad / (C_d * pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2));% Outlet velocity through nozzle
rho(1, n+1) = rho_initial * (T_inlet / T_FAD) * (P_FAD / P(1, n+1)); % Inlet density
%fprintf(' rho(1, n+1): %.3f m/s\n', rho(1, n+1));
v(1,n+1) = (Qfad/A_total); %velocity of sysytem( Hose + Nozzle)
m_in(1, n+1) = rho(1, n+1) * A_hose * v_in(1, n+1); % mass flow rate entering hose
m_out(1, n+1) = rho(1, n+1) *(A_nozzle /A_total) * v_out(1, n+1); % mass flow rate exiting through nozzle
%In the time integration loop, you first calculate the boundary conditions for the first control volume (inlet) and the first time step (n+1).
% Then, you use those values as initial conditions for the rest of the control volumes in the loop (i = 2:N-1) and iterate over all time steps (n = 1:Nt-1).
%% SECTION 6:Update density using the continuity equation (Backward Euler)
for i = 2:N-1
%Since you've already provided explicit conditions for the first and last control volumes,inlet and outlet BC
% you start the loop at i = 2 and go up to i = N-1 to update the remaining control volumes in between.
% This allows you to capture the variations within the hose due to the complex interactions between neighboring control volumes.
% Calculate the mass flow rates entering and exiting the control volume
m_in(i,n+1) = rho(i, n+1) * A_hose * v_in(i, n+1);
fprintf(' v_in(i, n+1: %.2f m/s\n', v_in(i, n+1));
%Here's how the steps would work:
%At the beginning of the time integration loop:
%Calculate v_in(1, n+1) based on the given inlet boundary condition.
%Inside the loop for i = 2:N-1:
%Calculate v_in(2, n+1) using the value of v_in(1, n+1) that was calculated earlier in the time integration loop.
%Calculate m_in(2) using the calculated value of v_in(2, n+1) and the updated value of rho(2, n+1) (which is calculated based on the continuity equation).
m_out(i,n+1) = rho(i, n+1) * (A_nozzle / A_total) * v_out(i, n+1);
%m_in(i) and m_out(i) are calculated separately to represent the mass flow rates entering and exiting the control volume at grid point i, respectively.
% These terms are essential for maintaining mass conservation in the simulation and ensuring the accuracy of the continuity equation calculations.
%% Contunity Equation loop: The first run calculates the predicted density,
% and the second run updates the density using the calculated mass flow rates, velocities, and other parameters.
% This iterative process ensures that the density values are updated based on the interactions between neighboring control volumes and the physical properties of the system.
rho(i, n+1) = - ((rho(i+1, n+1) * A_total * (v_in(i+1, n+1))^2) - (rho(i-1, n) * A_total * (v_in(i-1, n))^2)) ...
/ (A_total * v_in(i, n+1)) * (dt / (2 * delta_x(i))) ...
+ dt * ((m_in(i, n+1) - m_out(i, n+1)) / (A_total * v_in(i, n+1))) ...
+ (rho(i, n) * v_in(i, n) * A_total ) / (A_total * v_in(i, n+1));
fprintf(' rho(i, n+1: %.2f m/s\n', rho(i, n+1));
% Calculate characteristic velocity at this time step (use the maximum velocity in the flow field)
v_max = max(max(v(:, n+1))); % Assuming v is the velocity array at all grid points at time step n+1
% Calculate CFL number for this time step
CFL_number = v_max * dt / min(delta_x);
% Check if CFL number exceeds the maximum allowable value
if CFL_number > CFL_max
% Reduce the time step to satisfy the CFL condition
dt = CFL_max * min(delta_x) / v_max;
fprintf('Time step reduced at time step %d to satisfy CFL condition.\n', n+1);
%% SECTION 8: Update velocity using the momentum equation (Backward Euler)
for i = 2:N-1 % Loop for Spatial Grid Point
m_n(i) = rho(i, n+1) * (A_nozzle / A_total) * (v_out(i, n+1)-v_in(i,n+1));
% Calculate Reynolds number and friction factor
Re = rho(i, n+1) * v(i, n+1) * D_sup / mu;
%v(i, n+1) is the predicted velocity for the next time step (n+1).
%% how v(i,n+1) is calculated ?
%In summary, for control volume 2 (i = 2), the predicted velocity v(2, n+1) is first calculated using the velocity update equation.
% This predicted velocity is then used in the calculation of the Reynolds number Re. The Reynolds number Re and other terms are used in the momentum equation to calculate the updated velocity v(2, n+1),
% which represents the final velocity for control volume 2 at the next time step
f = (0.79 * log(Re) - 1.64)^(-2);
% Calculate wall friction w
w = (f * rho(i, n+1) * v(i, n+1)^2) / (8 * (D_sup/2));
%% Momentum Equation : The momentum equation is indeed run twice within the same loop iteration.
% The first run calculates the predicted velocity, and the second run updates the velocity using the calculated Reynolds number and other parameters.
% This iterative process ensures that the velocity values are updated based on the complex interactions between neighboring control volumes and the various physical properties of the system.
% Update the velocity using the discretized momentum equation (Backward Euler)
v(i, n+1) = sqrt(((rho(i, n) * A_total * v(i, n)^2) / dt - ...
((rho(i+1, n+1) * A_total * v(i+1, n+1)^3 + P(i+1,n+1) * A_total) - ...
(rho(i-1, n) * A_total * v(i-1, n)^3 + P(i-1,n) * A_total) / (2 * delta_x(i)) + ...
(w / A_total) - rho(i, n) * g * sin(theta) + ...
(A_nozzle / A_total) * m_n(i) * (v_out(i, n) - v(i, n)) - ...
((P(i+1, n+1) * A_nozzle) - (P(i-1, n) * A_nozzle)) /(2 * delta_x(i)) ...
/ (rho(i, n+1) * A_total)/dt)));
fprintf(' v(i, n+1: %.2f m/s\n', v(i, n+1));
% Update pressure using P = rho * R * T
for i = 2:N-1
P(i, n+1) = rho(i, n+1) * R *T(i, n+1); % T is not constant
% the pressure at each spatial control volume (i) and each time step (n+1)
% is calculated based on the corresponding density (rho(i, n+1)) and
% temperature (T(i, n+1)) at that grid point and time step.
% This will account for the changing temperature in the simulation.
%% SECTION 10: Outlet Boundary Conditions at nozzle
P(N, n+1) = 402957.5; % P_outlet = P_atm + Rho_w * g * H
rho(N, n+1) = rho(N-1, n+1); % Density at the outlet is set to the density at the neighboring grid point
v(N, n+1) = v(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet velocity based on previous control volume
m_out(N, n+1) = m_out(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet mass flow rate based on previous control volume
v_out(N, n+1) = v_out(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet velocity through nozzle based on previous control volume

Antworten (1)

Voss am 18 Aug. 2023
You can put the following immediately after the line where rho(i,n+1) is calculated:
if isnan(rho(i,n+1))
Then when you run the program, if rho(i,n+1) is NaN, the program will pause and give you a chance to inspect the value of the relevant variables on the command line or in the editor.
When you do that, you'll find that m_in(i, n+1) is zero, m_out(i, n+1) is zero, A_total is non-zero and finite, and v_in(i, n+1) is zero, so the expression
((m_in(i, n+1) - m_out(i, n+1)) / (A_total * v_in(i, n+1)))
is 0/0 which evaluatates to NaN. (There are other divide-by-zero situations going on in that line, but the others involve non-zero numerators so they evaluate to Inf.) That's where the NaN is coming from in rho(i,n+1).
I imagine you'll find similar things going on in the calculation of v(i,n+1).
  9 Kommentare
%% Section 1: PARAMETERS
L = 400; % Length of the hose (m)
N = 100; % Number of control volumes
% Operation and Design Properties
Qfad =0.33; % Air flow rate in m^3/s ; Q= 259 m^3/min = 4.31
D_sup = 104e-3; % Diameter of supply hose & riser in meters
D_nozzle= 2e-3; % Diameter of nozzle
s=0.5; % Nozzle spacing
C_d= 0.55; % Nozzle discharge coefficient
P_FAD = 101325; % Pressure
T_FAD = 293.15; % Temperature in Kelvin
h = 30; % Water depth in meters
Rho_w = 1025; % Density of water in kg/m^3
g = 9.81; % Gravity acceleration in m/s^2
P_atm = 1.013e5; % Atmospheric pressure in Pa
T_inlet = 291.15; % Air temperature in Celsius
R = 287; % Specific gas constant in J/(kg·K)
mu = 18e-6; % Dynamic viscosity of air in Pa·s
T_FAD_ref = 20; % Reference temperature at FAD condition in Celsius
P_FAD_ref = 1.013e5; % Reference pressure at FAD condition in Pa
P_Fed= 1030000; % 10.3 Bar to Pascals
theta = pi; %Angle of the hose with respect to the horizontal (radians)
A_hose = pi * (D_sup/2)^2;% Area of the hose (m^2)
A_nozzle= pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2;% Area of the nozzle (m^2)
CFL_max = 0.5; % Define maximum allowable CFL number
A_total= A_hose+A_nozzle;
% spatial discretization to account for the presence of nozzles in the system.
num_nozzles = floor(L / s); % Calculate the total number of nozzles
total_control_volumes = N + num_nozzles; % Total number of control volumes including nozzles
% Updating Control Volume Boundaries:
x = linspace(0, L, total_control_volumes + 1); % Update the array of control volume boundaries
%Recalculating Control Volume Lengths:
delta_x = x(2:end) - x(1:end-1);
% Number of time steps
Nt = 100;
% Time step size
dt = 0.1; % Example time step size (you can adjust it based on stability requirements)
% Time array
time = linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1); % linspace(start, end, N);Nt*dt=total time duration of the simulation.
% Initialize arrays to store the variables at each grid point and time step
rho = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1); %Nt+1= ensure that you have enough space to store density values for all time steps from 0 to Nt.
v = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
T = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
P = zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
m_in=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
m_out=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
v_in =zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
v_out=zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
m_n= zeros(total_control_volumes, Nt+1);
%These initial conditions are used as starting values for the simulation.
rho_initial = 1.225 ; % Initial density (kg/m^3) (rho= P/R*T)=(1.013e5/287* 293.15)=1.225kg/m^3
P_initial = 1030000; % Initial pressure (Pa)
T_inital= 293.15; % Initial Temperature(K)
v_initial=(Qfad / A_total); %velocity of sysytem( Hose + Nozzle)
v_in_initial=(Qfad / A_hose); %velocity of hose
v_out_initial= (Qfad / (C_d * pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2));%velocity of nozzle
m_initial=rho_initial * A_total*v_in_initial;
m_out_initial= rho_initial * (A_nozzle / A_total) * v_out_initial;
m_n_initial = rho_initial* (A_nozzle / A_total) * (v_out_initial-v_in_initial);
% Set initial conditions for each variable at each grid point
% array(row_index, column_index)
rho(:, 1) = rho_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
% So, rho(:, 1) means all rows (all control volumes) of the first column (first time step) in the rho matrix.
%initializing the density values for all control volumes at the initial time step (time step n = 1) in your simulation
P(:, 1) = P_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
T(:, 1) =T_inital * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v(:,1)=v_initial * ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v_in(:,1)= v_in_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
v_out(:,1)=v_out_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_in(:,1)=m_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_out(:,1)=v_out_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
m_n(:,1)=m_n_initial* ones(total_control_volumes, 1);
for n = 1:Nt %Loop for Time Steps [iterates from the first time step to last time step]
% CFL calculation and adjustment
v_max = max(max(v(:, n+1)));
CFL_number = v_max * dt / min(delta_x);
if CFL_number > CFL_max
dt = CFL_max * min(delta_x) / v_max;
fprintf('Time step reduced at time step %d to satisfy CFL condition.\n', n+1);
% Inlet Boundary Conditions
P(1, n+1) = P_Fed + (Rho_w*g*h); % P_inlet = P_feed + P_hydrostatic9 (Rho_w * g * h)=
v_in(1, n+1) = (Qfad / ( pi * (D_sup/2)^2)); % Inlet velocity through compressor
v_out(1, n+1) = (Qfad / (C_d * pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2));% Outlet velocity through nozzle
rho(1, n+1) = rho_initial * (T_inlet / T_FAD) * (P_Fed / P(1, n+1)); % Inlet density
v(1,n+1) = (Qfad/A_total); %velocity of sysytem( Hose + Nozzle)
m_in(1, n+1) = rho(1, n+1) * A_hose * v_in(1, n+1); % mass flow rate entering hose
m_out(1, n+1) = rho(1, n+1) *(A_nozzle /A_total) * v_out(1, n+1); % mass flow rate exiting through nozzle
% Loop over spatial grid points
% Loop over spatial grid points
for i = 2:N-1
v_in(i,n+1) = ((Qfad / ( pi * (D_sup/2)^2)));
v_out(i,n+1) = (Qfad / (C_d * pi * (D_nozzle/2)^2));
% Update velocity based on average of v_in and v_out
v(i, n+1) = 0.5 * (v_in(i-1, n+1) + v_out(i-1, n+1));
% Calculate initial guesses for density and velocity
rho_guess = rho(:, n); % Use the density values from the current time step
%used as the starting point for the iterative solver (fsolve) to find a density value that satisfies the density equation.
%rho is a matrix with dimensions (total_control_volumes, Nt+1), and the column n corresponds to the density values at the current time step.
% Calculate the mass flow rates entering and exiting the control volume
m_in(i,n+1) = rho_guess(i) * A_hose * v_in(i, n+1);
m_out(i,n+1)= rho_guess(i) * (A_nozzle / A_total) * v_out(i, n+1);
%fprintf('m_in(i,n+1): %.1f\n',m_in(i,n+1));
%% Procedure
%The initial guess rho_guess is calculated based on the density values from the current time step.
%The fsolve function is used to find a new density value rho_new that satisfies the density equation, starting from the initial guess.
%The calculated rho_new is then used to update the density array for the next time step, ensuring that the density equation is satisfied at the current control volume and time step.
% fprintf('rho_guess : %.2f kg/m^3\n', rho_guess);
% Call fsolve to solve the density equation
options = optimoptions('fsolve', 'Display', 'off'); %used to configure the behavior of the optimization solver, specifically the fsolve function in this case.
% optimoptions function allows you to set various options that control how the optimization algorithm behaves during its iterations.
rho_new = fsolve(@(rho_guess) densityEquation(rho_guess,A_total, v, n, i, delta_x, dt, m_in, m_out), rho_guess, options);
%Here, fsolve is called to solve the equation defined by the anonymous function @(rho_guess) densityEquation(...). This equation aims to find the values of rho_guess that satisfy the specified equation, where the equation is defined in the densityEquation function.
% The function densityEquation calculates the residuals of the density equation based on the input arguments.
% Update the density at control volume i and time step n+1
rho(i, n+1) = rho_new(i);
% fprintf('rho(%d, %d) : %.1f\n', i, n+1, rho(i, n+1))
%Finally, the calculated values of rho_new are used to update the density values at control volume i and time step n+1.
% This step ensures that you are using the corrected density values for the next time step in your simulation.
% SECTION 8: Update velocity using the momentum equation (Backward Euler)
for i = 2:N-1
% Calculate the momentum transferred between control volumes
m_n(i,n+1) = rho(i, n+1) * (A_nozzle / A_total) * (v_out(i, n+1) - v_in(i,n+1));
% Calculate initial guess for velocity
v_guess = v(:, n); % Use the velocity values from the current time step (n), not (n+1)
%fprintf('v_guess : %.2f kg/m^3\n', v_guess );
% Calculate Reynolds number and friction factor
Re = rho(i, n+1) * v_guess(i) * D_sup / mu;
f = (0.79 * log(Re) - 1.64)^(-2);
% Calculate wall friction w
w = (f * rho(i, n+1) * v_guess(i)^2) / (8 * (D_sup/2));
% Call fsolve to solve the momentum equation
options = optimoptions('fsolve', 'Display', 'off');
v_new = fsolve(@(v_guess) momentumEquation(v_guess, rho, P, A_nozzle, v_out, A_total, n, i, delta_x, dt, m_n, w, g, theta), v_guess, options);
% Update the velocity at control volume i and time step n+1
v(i, n+1) = v_new(i);
%fprintf('v(%d, %d) : %.1f\n', i, n+1, v(i, n+1))
%Update pressure using P = rho * R * T
for i = 2:N-1
P(i, n+1) = rho(i, n+1) * R * T(i, n+1); % T is not constant
% the pressure at each spatial control volume (i) and each time step (n+1)
% is calculated based on the corresponding density (rho(i, n+1)) and
% temperature (T(i, n+1)) at that grid point and time step.
% This will account for the changing temperature in the simulation.
P(N, n+1) =P_atm + Rho_w * g * h; % P_outlet = P_atm + Rho_w * g * H
rho(N, n+1) = rho(N-1, n+1); % Density at the outlet is set to the density at the neighboring grid point
v(N, n+1) = v(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet velocity based on previous control volume
m_out(N, n+1) = m_out(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet mass flow rate based on previous control volume
v_out(N, n+1) = v_out(N-1, n+1); % Set outlet velocity through nozzle based on previous control volume
% Print the maximum and minimum values of the velocity,Pressure and Density array
fprintf('Max Density: %.2f kg/m^3\n', max(rho(:)));
fprintf('Min Desnity: %.2f kg/m^3\n', min(rho(:)));
fprintf('Max Velocity: %.2f m/s\n', max(v(:))); %%f with .2 precision specifier would round the number to two decimal places. For example, 3.14159265 would be displayed as 3.14.
fprintf('Min Velocity: %.2f m/s\n', min(v(:)));
fprintf('Max Pressure: %.2f Pa\n', max(P(:)));
fprintf('Min Pressure: %.2f Pa\n', min(P(:)));
%fprintf('Size of x_center: %dx%d\n', size(x));
%fprintf('Size of rho: %dx%d\n', size(rho));
% Plotting the results
plot(x(1:total_control_volumes), rho);
ylabel('Density (kg/m^3)');
title('Density vs. Length');
% Figure 2: Velocity vs. Length
plot(x(1:total_control_volumes), v);
xlabel('Length (m)');
ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
title('Velocity vs. Length');
% Figure 3: Pressure vs. Length
plot(x(1:total_control_volumes), P);
xlabel('Length (m) ');
ylabel('Pressure (Pascals)');
title('Pressure vs. Length');
function residuals = densityEquation(rho_guess, A_total, v, n, i, delta_x, dt, m_in, m_out)
term1 = - (((rho_guess(i+1) * A_total * (v(i+1, n+1))^2) - (rho_guess(i-1) * A_total * (v(i-1, n+1))^2)) * dt) ...
/ (A_total * v(i, n+1)) * (2 * delta_x(i));
term2 = (dt * (m_in(i, n+1) - m_out(i, n+1)) / (A_total * v(i, n+1)));
term3 = (rho_guess(i) * v(i, n) * A_total) / (A_total * v(i, n+1));
LHS = term1 + term2 + term3;
RHS = LHS; % The right-hand side is the same as the left-hand side in this case
% Calculate the residuals (LHS - RHS)
residuals = LHS - RHS;
function residuals = momentumEquation(v_guess, rho, P, A_nozzle, v_out, A_total, n, i, delta_x, dt, m_n, w, g, theta)
% Calculate the residuals of the momentum equation
% Calculate the terms in your equation based on v_guess, rho, P, A_nozzle, v_out, A_total, n, i, and other parameters
Term1 = rho(i, n) * A_total * v_guess(i)^2 / dt;
Term2 = (((rho(i+1, n+1) * A_total * v_guess(i+1)^3) + (P(i+1, n+1) * A_total)) - ...
((rho(i-1, n+1) * A_total * v_guess(i-1)^3) + (P(i-1, n+1) * A_total)) / (2 * delta_x(i)));
Term3 = w / A_total;
Term4 = rho(i, n+1) * g * sin(theta);
Term5 = (A_nozzle / A_total) * m_n(i, n+1) * (v_out(i, n) - v_guess(i));
Term6 = ((P(i+1, n+1) * A_nozzle) - (P(i-1, n+1) * A_nozzle)) / (2 * delta_x(i));
Term7 = rho(i, n+1) * A_total / dt;
% Calculate final term
final_term = (Term1 - Term2 + Term3 - Term4 + Term5 - Term6) / Term7;
% Update the velocity using the calculated final term
LHS = v_guess - sqrt(final_term);
% Define the LHS and RHS of the momentum equation
RHS = 0; % This is for backward Euler
% Calculate the residuals (LHS - RHS)
residuals = LHS - RHS;
why this code take too much time to run ? I tried reducing value of N, Nt and dt but still facing same issue. Please help!
Torsten am 28 Aug. 2023
If you solve momentum and continuity equation separately as you do, you have to iterate to get a converged solution - even if you use a nonlinear solver like fsolve in between. I miss this iteration part in your code.
My advice:
Make a function f(t,y) where y is the vector of all your solution variables y = (density(1:nx), velocity(1:nx),...). Then call fsolve in a loop for the function F(y) = (y-y_(n))/dt - f(t_(n+1),y) = 0 where y_n is the solution of the last time step. This call should give you the solution y = y_(n+1).

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