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how can I simulate this NMPC in close loop? i try using the matlab examples but i have a lot of parameters.

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Here´s the NMPC
clear all
close all
% Parámetros
Ta = 23 + 273.15; % K
U = 10.0; % W/m^2-K
m = 4.0/1000.0; % kg
Cp = 0.5 * 1000.0; % J/kg-K
A = 12.0 / 100.0^2; % Area in m^2
alpha = 0.01; % W % heater
eps = 0.9; % Emissivity
sigma = 5.67e-8; % Stefan-Boltzman
Par = [Ta;U;m;Cp;A;alpha;eps;sigma];
%% Crear objeto NMPC
nx = 1; %Estados
ny = 1; %Salidas
nu = 1; %entradas
nlobj = nlmpc(nx,ny,nu);
nlobj.States.Name = 'T';
nlobj.MV.Name = 'H';
nlobj.Model.StateFcn = @(x,u,Par) prediction_model_jl(x,u,Par);
% No output function specified. Assuming "y = x" in the prediction model.
nlobj.Model.IsContinuousTime = true;
%% Restricciones NMPC
nlobj.States.Min = 0;
nlobj.MV.Min = 0;
nlobj.MV.Max = 100;
nlobj.MV.RateMin = -100;
nlobj.MV.RateMax = 100;
%% NMPC Sintonización
Ts = 8;
nlobj.Ts = Ts;
nlobj.PredictionHorizon = N;
nlobj.ControlHorizon = Nu;
nlobj.Weights.OutputVariables = delta;
nlobj.Weights.ManipulatedVariablesRate = lambda;
here´s the prediction model
%Specify Prediction Model for Nonlinear MPC
function dTdt = prediction_model_jl(x,u,Par)
% Parameters
Ta = Par(1); % K
U = Par(2); % W/m^2-K
m = Par(3); % kg
Cp = Par(4); % J/kg-K
A = Par(5); % Area in m^2
alpha = Par(6); % W / % heater
eps = Par(7); % Emissivity
sigma = Par(8); % Stefan-Boltzman % Stefan-Boltzman
% Temperatura
T= x(1);
% Entradas
Q= u(1);
% Ecuaciones de los balances de energía
dTdt = (1.0/(m*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T) ...
+ eps * sigma * A * (Ta^4 - T^4) ...
+ alpha*Q);
The same prediction model is the plant model so i want to use the nmpc in a close loop to see the answer at the end of the plant.
%Initial States
%% Ref signal
% Define el vector de tiempo
t = linspace(0, 10, 1000);
initialValue = 23+273.15;
stepValue = 50;
stepTime = 5;
ref = initialValue + stepValue * (t >= stepTime);

Antworten (1)

Ishu am 7 Sep. 2023
Hi Juan,
In my understanding you have provided the code for 'NMPC' and now you want to simulate this 'NMPC' in a closed loop. For that you can make use of "for loop" iterating over 't'.
As the 'Par' is not changing so you can directly initialize these parameters in the "prediction_model_jl()" function itself rather than passing these as arguments. You can change your function accordingly.
function dTdt = prediction_model_jl(x,u)
% Parameters
% Parámetros
Ta = 23 + 273.15; % K
U = 10.0; % W/m^2-K
m = 4.0/1000.0; % kg
Cp = 0.5 * 1000.0; % J/kg-K
A = 12.0 / 100.0^2; % Area in m^2
alpha = 0.01; % W % heater
eps = 0.9; % Emissivity
sigma = 5.67e-8; % Stefan-Boltzman
% Temperatura
T= x(1);
% Entradas
Q= u(1);
% Ecuaciones de los balances de energía
dTdt = (1.0/(m*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T) ...
+ eps * sigma * A * (Ta^4 - T^4) ...
+ alpha*Q);
And also make other changes relating to this function calling.
Now you can create two vectors to store the system response
x_history = zeros(size(t));
u_history = zeros(size(t));
Simulating NMPC:
% Closed-loop simulation
for i = 1:length(t)
% Update the NMPC controller
[u, ~] = nlmpcmove(nlobj, x, u,ref(i));
% Simulate the system response
dxdt = prediction_model_jl(x, u);
x_history(i) = x + dxdt*Ts;
u_history(i) = u;
Plot the results:
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(t, ref, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(t, x_history, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
ylabel('Temperature (K)');
legend('Reference', 'System Response');
title('Closed-Loop System Response');
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(t, u_history, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
ylabel('Control Input');
title('Control Input Profile');
For more information on 'nlmpc' you can refer this documentation:
Hope it helps!


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