Plot a Honeycomb Contour
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I need to create the contour of an irregular Honeycomb with Nx x Ny unit cells and wall thickness th. All I need are the x,y coordinates of the endpoints describing the contour and their connectivity.
So far I have the x,y coordinates of the endpoints describing the lines in the center of the Honeycomb and their corresponding connectivity. I modified the code found in Drawing honey comb structure by matlab
Any help is very much appreciated!
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format long g
%% Control Parameters
L = 7;
Nx = 4; % Number of unit cells in the horizontal direction
Ny = 2; % Number of pair of unit cells in the vertical direction
Th = 2; % Thickness of the walls
%% Generating Honeycomb Topology
[nodes,elems] = CreateHoneycombTopology(L,Nx,Ny);
nodes(30,2:3) = [nodes(30,2)+2,nodes(30,3)-1]; % Adding localized imperfection
r = Th/(2*sind(60));
znodes = [];
zelems = [];
nid = 0;
nel = 0;
angles = [];
for cont1 = 1:size(elems,1)
x1 = nodes(elems(cont1,2),2);
x2 = nodes(elems(cont1,3),2);
y1 = nodes(elems(cont1,2),3);
y2 = nodes(elems(cont1,3),3);
dx = x2-x1;
dy = y2-y1;
phi = atan2d(dy,dx);
angles = [angles;phi];
nx1 = x1+r*cosd(phi-60);
ny1 = y1+r*sind(phi-60);
mx1 = x1+r*cosd(phi+60);
my1 = y1+r*sind(phi+60);
nx2 = x2+r*cosd(phi+240);
ny2 = y2+r*sind(phi+240);
mx2 = x2+r*cosd(phi+120);
my2 = y2+r*sind(phi+120);
nid = nid+1;
znodes = [znodes;nid,nx1,ny1,nx2,ny2,mx1,my1,mx2,my2];
% figure
hold on
for cont1 = 1:size(znodes,1)
axis equal
axis padded
%% Function to create Honeycomb Topology
function [nodes,elems] = CreateHoneycombTopology(L,Nx,Ny)
%% Generating Walls
X1 = [0:Ny].*3;
X2 = X1+1;
X3 = [-0.5:3:8.5];
X3 = [0:Ny+1].*3-0.5;
X4 = X2+0.5;
nodes = [];
elems = [];
nid = 0;
nel = 0;
for m=0:Nx-1
step=[m m]*sqrt(3);
for n=1:length(X1)-1
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0 0]*gap+step ,[X1(n) X2(n)]);
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0.5 0.5]*gap+step,[X3(n+1) X4(n)]);
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0 0.5]*gap+step ,[X2(n) X4(n)]);
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0 0.5]*gap+step ,[X1(n+1) X3(n+1)]);
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0.5 1]*gap+step ,[X3(n+1) X1(n+1)]);
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[0.5 1]*gap+step ,[X4(n) X2(n)]);
for n=1:length(X1)-1
[nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,[1 1]*gap+step,[X1(n) X2(n)]);
%% Removing repeated nodes
temp = unique(nodes(:,2:3),'rows');
temp = [[1:size(temp,1)].',temp];
for cont1 = 1:size(elems,1)
id = temp(ismember(temp(:,2:3),nodes(elems(cont1,2),2:3),'rows'),1);
elems(cont1,2) = id;
id = temp(ismember(temp(:,2:3),nodes(elems(cont1,3),2:3),'rows'),1);
elems(cont1,3) = id;
nodes = temp;
%% Scaling nodes
nodes(:,2:3) = nodes(:,2:3).*L;
%% Plotting final geometry
if true
hold on
for cont1 = 1:size(elems,1)
axis equal
%% function to add wall to arrays of nodes and elements
function [nodes,elems,nid,nel] = UpdateArrays(nodes,elems,nid,nel,x,y)
x1 = x(1);
x2 = x(2);
y1 = y(1);
y2 = y(2);
nel = nel+1;
nid = nid+1;
nodes = [nodes;nid,x1,y1];
elems = [elems;nel,nid,nid+1];
nid = nid+1;
nodes = [nodes;nid,x2,y2];
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Antworten (1)
am 23 Aug. 2023
Kindly add below code snippet to generate the contour of the honeycomb structure and plot it on top of the original honeycomb plot :
%% Generate Contour
contour_x = [];
contour_y = [];
connectivity = [];
for cont1 = 1:size(znodes, 1)
contour_x = [contour_x; znodes(cont1, [2, 4, 6, 8])];
contour_y = [contour_y; znodes(cont1, [3, 5, 7, 9])];
connectivity = [connectivity; [cont1, cont1, cont1, cont1]];
%% Plotting
hold on
% Plot original honeycomb structure
for cont1 = 1:size(elems, 1)
plot(nodes(elems(cont1, 2:3), 2), nodes(elems(cont1, 2:3), 3), 'k:')
% Plot contour
for cont1 = 1:size(contour_x, 1)
plot(contour_x(cont1, :), contour_y(cont1, :), 'r-')
The above mentioned code snippet generates a contour plot by extracting the x and y coordinates from the 'znodes' matrix, which represents modified nodes of a honeycomb structure. The extracted coordinates are stored in 'contour_x' and 'contour_y' matrices, respectively.Then, the code plots the original honeycomb structure as a black dotted line by iterating over the 'elems' matrix. Finally, the code plots the contour by iterating over the ‘contour_x’ matrix. The x and y coordinates of the contour points are extracted and plotted as a red solid line.
The output of the above code snippet is attached below for your reference.
Hope this helps.
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