Multivariate B-spline interpolation

10 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Thomas Rundle
Thomas Rundle am 21 Jun. 2023
Kommentiert: Thomas Rundle am 27 Jun. 2023
I've run an FEM to gather a dataset consisting of an output in response to 3 predictor inputs. Is it feasibile to interpolate this dataset using B-splines? It seems the available functions are designed with a focus on univariate (and some bivariate) circumstances. So far I have been able to find the coefficients and specified knot locations, but have not been able to construct a model from which I can interpolate, which includes all 3 predictors.
Any help would be much appreciated,

Antworten (1)

KSSV am 21 Jun. 2023
Read about interpn
  1 Kommentar
Thomas Rundle
Thomas Rundle am 27 Jun. 2023
Thanks KSSV,
Unfortunately this has not really helped all that much. I can see how the interpn may assist in multivariate interpolation as a whole, however incorporating B-splines seems like a different challenge altogether... Maybe I'm not looking at this from the right angle?

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