how do I combine terms with a common power in a polynomial

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I am using the symbolic toolbox and am new to it. I have taylor expanded an expression that is a function of x and y. Part of the expansion is
y^2/(2*R) + x^2/(2*R*cos(t)^2) + (A*y^3)/(2*R) + (B*y^4)/(8*R) + (A^2*y^4)/(2*R) + (A^3*y^5)/(2*R)
1st 3 terms in y^2, x^2 and y^3 are fine, but y^4 is split into two terms that should be combined. Anyone know how to do this? Code is
syms z x y t R A B
T1=collect(T,[x y])
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Akzeptierte Antwort

Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi am 14 Jun. 2023
Bearbeitet: Dyuman Joshi am 14 Jun. 2023
"What I really want is to not have the sigmas at all, ie. just mutiply them out. Is this possible?"
It is possible.
From the documentation page Abbreviate Common Terms in Long Expressions - By default, live scripts display symbolic expressions in abbreviated output format.
You can turn off abbreviated output format by setting the 'AbbreviateOutput' preference to false.
syms z x y t R A B
%Change the setting
f1=collect(f,[x y]);
f4=collect(f3,[x y])
f4 = 

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