Using Matlab to solve 1D Schrödinger Equation (Strange Eigenfunctions)
18 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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Niklas Kurz
am 31 Mai 2023
Kommentiert: Torsten
am 2 Jun. 2023
First of, here the Python Code:
% import numpy as np
% import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% from scipy.linalg import eigh_tridiagonal
% N = 2000
% dy = 1/N
% y = np.linspace(0,1,N+1)
% def mL2V(y):
% return 1000*(y-1/2)**2
% d = 1/dy**2 + mL2V(y)[1:-1]
% e = -1/(2*dy**2) * np.ones(len(d)-1)
% w, v = eigh_tridiagonal(d,e)
% plt.plot(v.T[0])
Now my attempt converting this to Matlab:
%% Initialise
% Number of Steps
N = 100;
dy = 1/N;
y = linspace(0,1,N+1);
% Potential
V = @(y,m,L) m*L*(y-1/2).^2;
Vy = V(y,1,1);
% Differential Matrix
d = 1/dy.^2 + Vy(1:end-1);
n = length(d);
e = -1/(2*dy.^2).*ones(n,1);
A = spdiags([e d' e],[-1 0 1],n,n);
%% Solve
[v,w] = eig(full(A));
%% Plot
axis([0 1 -1 1])
However the solutions from Matlab are totally off also comparing them with textbook-ones
How is this to explain?
the goal is to solve the 1D SG:

whose solution is mainly determined by the potential V
we get:

writing the derivatives in discrete form brings:

This can be written in matrix-shape:

so basically a Matrix with a main diagonal consisting of:

and two side diagonals with a constants entry of:

The initial conditions are implemented already:

Now the function Ψ is directly given by determing the eigenfunctions of the Matrix
- This is where the magic happens and where Matlab somehow finds solutions that don't suite the physics content.
2 Kommentare
am 31 Mai 2023
Most probably because you didn't transfer the Python code correctly.
But since I don't have experience with Python, it would be easier if you include the mathematical description of your problem instead of code in a different computer language.
Akzeptierte Antwort
am 1 Jun. 2023
Bearbeitet: Torsten
am 1 Jun. 2023
N = 2000;
dy = 1/N;
y = linspace(0,1,N+1).';
mL2V = @(y)1000*(y-0.5).^2;
e = -1/(2*dy^2)*ones(N-1,1);
d = 1/dy^2 + mL2V(y(2:end-1));
A = spdiags([e d e],-1:1,N-1,N-1);
A = full(A);
[v,w] = eig(A);
hold on
hold off
grid on
2 Kommentare
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James Tursa
am 1 Jun. 2023
Bearbeitet: James Tursa
am 1 Jun. 2023
return is misspelled retrun
The mL2V( ) function returns 1000*(y-1/2)**2
I don't see where y is defined prior to the line d = 1/dy**2 + mL2V(y)[1:-1]
The V( ) function returns 1*1*(y-1/2).^2
I stopped looking after that. Maybe post a working Python code that we can run on the side before comparing that to MATLAB.
1 Kommentar
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